Compiler positions available for week ending January 10
11 Jan 1999 14:42:29 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers,
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:42:29 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: jobs

This is a digest of ``help wanted'' and ``position available'' messages
received at comp.compilers during the preceding week. Messages must
advertise a position having something to do with compilers and must also
conform to the guidelines periodically posted in
Positions that remain open may be re-advertised once a month. To respond
to a job offer, send mail to the author of the message. To submit a
message, mail it to


From: "Kelly Atkinson" <>
Subject: Research Programmer position at OGI (Oregon)
Organization: Oregon Graduate Institute - Computer Science & Engineering

                        The Pacific Software Research Center
                                                      at the
          Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology

The Pacific Software Research Center seeks a person to take principal
responsibility for the continued development of the Hugs interpreter for the
functional programming language Haskell. While the position involves a lot
of programming, is by no means simply a programming job.

The Haskell language is evolving rapidly: there are exciting developments in
its type system, libraries, foreign language interfaces, storage management,
exception handling, software components, and programming environments.
There will be numerous opportunities for you to contribute to and influence
all these features.

You will be responsible for implementing new features, making sure they work
on a variety of platforms, and responding to bug reports and user feedback.

An early project will be to complete the integration of the Hugs
interpreter with the run-time system of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. The
goal of this integration is a fully interoperable system capable of
executing a mixture of compiled and byte-code interpreted code. Additional
avenues of development may include integration into a visual programming
environment, and the construction of tools to make this possible.

The successful candidate will be able to work independently or with a small
team. Knowledge of the Haskell and C programming languages and familiarity
with UNIX and Windows NT operating systems will be required. Knowledge of
functional language compilation techniques and of the MS COM interface
standard is a plus. Expert supervision will be available.

You will be a full member of a world-class research group: The Pacific
Software Research Center. The Center explores techniques for improving
processes for software development, including the use of high-level
languages, design automation tools for software generation, and formal
methods for specification, analysis and verification. The Center is
composed of faculty, graduate students and professional staff.

The Pacific Software Research Center is a component of the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering at the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science
& Technology. The Institute is an independent graduate school and research
institute located just to the west of Portland, Oregon.

This is position is funded until December 1999. We are seeking additional
funding and would expect reappointment of the applicant contingent on the
receipt of this funding. We are looking for someone to start as soon as
possible, and the search will close once a qualified candidate is

To apply, please send a CV with a brief description of your project
accomplishments and interests, including the names of at least three
references. Send applications to:
Position #1-1-98
Personnel Office
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology,
P.O. Box 91000, Portland, OR 97291-1000,
Applications may also be sent via email to

Note: The subject line must include the position number.
OGI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and particularly welcomes applications
from qualified women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities.

Appointment is subject to the availability of funding.

Questions (but please no application materials!) may be directed to
Professor Tim Sheard, email:, phone: 203-432-1274.

Information about the Pacific Software Research Center can be found on the
world wide web at the url: ""

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