Mork 0.1.0 available

Michael Hartmeier <>
11 Jan 1999 14:40:50 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Mork 0.1.0 available (Michael Hartmeier) (1999-01-11)
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From: Michael Hartmeier <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:40:50 -0500
Organization: Uni Jena
Keywords: tools, available

This announces the first public release of Mork.

The Mork project is aimed to provide a development kit
for stream processing. The final goal is to offer an
alternative to tools like JavaCC or Lex and Yacc.

Here are the main things about Mork:

      Mork is implemented in an oo fashion.

      A representation is a kind of abstract syntax tree with
      several improvements: classes for nodes are user-defined,
      arbitrary computations can be included and representations
      are not restricted to trees.

      bormur is a class library for stream processing. It
      implements datatypes described in compiler text books,
      e.g. context free grammars or finite automatons.

      bc is a tool comparable to JavaCC. It instantiates bormur
      classes that represent the user's specification file and
      serializes the result to disk.

      Licensed under the GPL.

Please visit the Mork homepage at


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