Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser

Immanuel Litzroth <>
11 Jan 1999 14:37:06 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Immanuel Litzroth <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:37:06 -0500
Organization: Pandora--Met vlotte tred door Internet
References: 99-01-012 99-01-016 99-01-020
Keywords: interpreter, design

Another possibility to to embed your report generator in a language
like scheme or lisp which has syntactic extension facilities. This
gives you the benefit of being able to write your code in a fairly
high-level language (like scripting) and at the same time building a

Olin Shivers webpage has some articles and examples of these kinds of
things (an awk macro written in scheme which is only 7% of the code of
C awk and has a lot of advantages over traditional awk) Anyway an URL
to the relevant paper (and other interesting stuff is)

see A universal scripting framework.


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