Re: C symbol table structures

"Dave Hanson" <>
11 Jan 1999 14:36:40 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Dave Hanson" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:36:40 -0500
Organization: Microsoft Research
References: 99-01-005 99-01-019 99-01-025
Keywords: C, symbols

The scheme used in lcc is similar to those mentioned in previous articles,
but adds a few performance twists. For details, see Fraser & Hanson, "A
Retargetable Compiler for ANSI C," SIGPLAN Notices 26 (4), 29-43, 10/91,
which is available online at It's also
described in chap. 3 of lcc book
dave hanson

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