Re: Need starting tips for a new interpreter / parser (Anton Ertl)
3 Jan 1999 18:00:02 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Anton Ertl)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Jan 1999 18:00:02 -0500
Organization: Institut fuer Computersprachen, Technische Universitaet Wien
References: 99-01-012
Keywords: interpreter, design

  "Harald Fjerdingstad" <> writes:
> I am at the project planning level of making a new parser /
> interpreter for a reporting tool.
> It will be completely driven by a well defined (pascal like grammar)
> language source file.
> It will support assignment statements, loops, conditions and all the
> other usuall stuff a language should have.
> I just want to have some tips from you experts on how to plan the
> interpreting phase.

When I did such a project eight years ago, I wrote a compiler with lex
and yacc that produced a stack-based virtual machine code; I also
wrote an saver and loader (based on XDR) and an interpreter for the
VM. If I had to do it again, I would also use Ox (an attributed
grammar system that works with lex and yacc), or some other toolbox.

> Should I build a parse tree?

I didn't.

> Check byte for byte?

What do you mean?

> Build a "reserved words" table?

I let lex do the reserved words recognition.

> Could someone outline the basic steps for me.

Maybe you would be better off following the advice of our esteemed

- anton
M. Anton Ertl Some things have to be seen to be believed Most things have to be believed to be seen

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