
Dave Hanson <>
2 Jan 1999 00:24:19 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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comp.compilers.lcc (Dave Hanson) (1999-01-02)
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From: Dave Hanson <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 2 Jan 1999 00:24:19 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: administrivia, lcc

The newsgroup comp.compilers.lcc is now available (it was created 12/23/98),
and it can be accessed with any USENET newsreader
or from

comp.compilers.lcc replaces the lcc and lcc-bugs mailing lists,
which will be discontinued on 1/4/99. Messages sent to lcc or lcc-bugs
after 1/4/99 will be returned with a message referring senders to

Bug reports should also be posted to comp.compilers.lcc.

Dave Hanson

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