[?] portability checker for C++

"Quinn Tyler Jackson" <qjackson@wave.home.com>
30 Aug 1998 10:16:08 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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[?] portability checker for C++ qjackson@wave.home.com (Quinn Tyler Jackson) (1998-08-30)
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From: "Quinn Tyler Jackson" <qjackson@wave.home.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 30 Aug 1998 10:16:08 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: C++, tools, question
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

Does anyone know of any portability checkers for C++ that will run
under or compile for the Windows 95 platform?

I'd like to run about 15,000 lines of code through such a beast to
remove any platformisms I can before making the version 2.0 code for
SHU_SRC, LPM_SRC and RDF_SRC available at my site. The code compiles
and behaves under Turbo C++ 3.1, Borland C++ 5.0x, MS Visual C++ 1.52,
4.x, and 5.0, but I'd like to catch the non-PC platform
non-compatibilities as well.

There are certainly some elements that don't have to be portable to
toaster ovens and stack limited embedded systems in the code, but
something that would catch the more obvious gaffes would be nice.

If there isn't such a beast - any pointers as to which compiler
settings on the above mentioned compilers I might use to emulate such
a check would suffice. I've been considering running it through g++
as well, so any settings for that that would do the trick would also
be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Quinn Tyler Jackson

email: qjackson@wave.home.com
url: http://www.qtj.net/~quinn/
ftp: qtj.net

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