[?] Example of register allocation

munk <munk@natlab.research.philips.com>
30 May 1998 11:42:18 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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[?] Example of register allocation munk@natlab.research.philips.com (munk) (1998-05-30)
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From: munk <munk@natlab.research.philips.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 30 May 1998 11:42:18 -0400
Organization: Philips Research Laboratories
Keywords: registers, books, question

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand the example of register allocation through
graph colouring in Steven S. Muchnick's book on Advanced Compiler Design
and Implementation (Morgan Kaufmann). (See page 485 and 486.

The point I do not understand is the interference graph: I do understand
that s1 interferes with s2, s3 and s4. I don't understand why s3
interferes with any of the other s's at all, because s3 came from w and
w is dead at the end of the code sequence in the example. On the other
hand, s4 interferes with s5, but that isn't in the interference graph.

Am I missing some point?

| Harm Munk | Building WAY p.89 |
| Philips Semiconductors - ASIC Service Group | Prof. Holstlaan 4 |
| Embedded Systems Technology Centre | 5656 AA Eindhoven |
| email: | The Netherlands |
| munk@natlab.research.philips.com | tel. +31 40 274 43 34 |
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