Re: complex instruction set compiler (Richard Tobin)
18 Mar 1998 23:09:49 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Richard Tobin)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.arch,
Date: 18 Mar 1998 23:09:49 -0500
Organization: HCRC, University of Edinburgh
References: 98-03-144 98-03-149
Keywords: architecture, performance (Ian Kemmish) writes:

>The compiler for Franz Lisp in BSD 4.2 (also for VAX, of course, and free on
>the BSD source tapes) actually *used* the complex instructions. I *think* it
>used the procedure call stuff

If I remember correctly, Franz Lisp used the simple JSR instruction
while cc used the complex CALLS instruction. I even have some
recollection of it running over assembler generated by cc and
replacing the CALLSs with JSRs.

Incidentally, you could run cc's peephole optimiser on the assembler
code produced by Franz Lisp, to produce code that was usually faster
and often still correct.

-- Richard

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