vax assembly interpreters
18 Mar 1998 23:08:51 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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vax assembly interpreters (1998-03-18)
Re: vax assembly interpreters (1998-03-20)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Mar 1998 23:08:51 -0500
Organization: Big-endian
Keywords: architecture, question

Looking for any resources which would facilitate a vax assembly (or
machine code) interpreter. Can't seem to find anything via Lycos or
the other search engines. Any help?

I've chosen Vax since it seems a pretty simple assembly language that
is produced by GCC. If there is another machine type which fits this
and also has interpreters or other resources available then I will
switch in a second.

Please respond with any information to and I'll
summarize to the group if necessary.

thanks for any help,
[Gee, the Vax seems to me to be one of the most complicated
instruction sets ever designed, what with all the addressing modes and
wierd instructions. I believe you'll find the MIPS RISC a lot easier
to deal with. -John]


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