Re: Windows RC grammar?

Isaac@yellow.submarine.pla (Isaac)
20 Nov 1997 22:41:55 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Windows RC grammar? (Kenji Hino) (1997-11-13)
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Re: Windows RC grammar? (1997-12-07)
Re: Windows RC grammar? (Quinn Tyler Jackson) (1997-12-07)
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From: Isaac@yellow.submarine.pla (Isaac)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Nov 1997 22:41:55 -0500
Organization: Yellow Brick Road
References: 97-11-074
Keywords: Windows

Kenji Hino wrote:
>Does anybody know where I can find the yacc/bison grammar of Windows
>Resource file ?

I thought I remembered this question coming up before so I did a search
on dejanews to see if it had ever been answered. I didn't come up with
anything although I seem to recall someone saying that a grammar
existed in a Windows emulator being designed as freeware.

Check the newsgroup for details of where
to get it. You'll probably have to download a fairly sizeable tar archive
to get at what you want.


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