Re: How does a language compile itself?

Walter Banks <>
25 May 1997 13:32:34 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Walter Banks <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 25 May 1997 13:32:34 -0400
Organization: Byte Craft Limited
References: 97-05-209 97-05-231
Keywords: practice, comment

Dwight VandenBerghe wrote:

> It's like magic. I really mean it: you have to experience it to see
> what the thrill is all about. First there was nothing, and then you
> make up this new language that the world has never seen before, and
> then you go through this mickey-mouse rigamarole described above,
> and then suddenly, poof, you pull out the rug and the genie is just
> floating there in space, all by itself. Even though you were the
> one who did it, you still can't quite believe it. It still makes me
> smile, and I've been doing this kind of stuff for over three decades
> now.

I sure know the feeling it's great.

After a while I discovered that I was building features into a
language that was good for language implementation and not so
good for the problem at hand.

[Yeah. That's why IBM Fortran H had poorly documented C-like data structures.
They're not Fortran, but they're nice for building Fortran compilers. -John]

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