Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and Compilers) (Seth LaForge)
13 Mar 1997 23:42:20 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Problems with Hardware, Languages, and Compilers (1997-03-07)
Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and Compi (1997-03-09)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-13)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-13)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-14)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-16)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C andy@cs.Stanford.EDU (1997-03-16)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-16)
Re: Definable operators (was: Problems with Hardware, Languages, and C (1997-03-18)
[2 later articles]
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From: (Seth LaForge)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.lang.misc,comp.arch.arithmetic
Date: 13 Mar 1997 23:42:20 -0500
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
References: 97-03-037 97-03-043
Keywords: design

Richard Rogers <> wrote:
>>[.... I used IMP72, a language where
>>you could add any operations you wanted, and it was awful. -John]
>But I've never used a
>language that allowed operator definition....

Try Haskell. Besides being a side-effect-free lazy evaluation language,
Haskell has a lot of syntactic sugar. In particular, you can define
pretty much arbitrary operators. Any token which consists entirely of
operator characters (+-*/%<>= and a few others) is considered an infix
operator by the parser. You also set the associativity and precedence:

    -- Declare <<< to be a precedence 7 left-associative operator:
    infixl 7 <<<
    -- Type declaration: <<< takes two integers and returns an
    -- integral number of the type of the first argument:
    (<<<) :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
    -- The actual function: left bit shift:
    x <<< b = x * 2^b

You can also use a regular prefix function as an infix operator if you
enclose its name in backtics. For example, the standard environment
includes a two-argument div function which performs integer division.
You can use it like (45 `div` 3).

>[IMP72 let you stick BNF in your programs so you could add any syntax
>you wanted. The problem was that everyone did, so before you could
>read an IMP72 program you first had to figure out what language it was
>written in. Experience with C++ tells me that even operator
>overloading can easily lead to unmaintainable code if you can no
>longer tell at a glance what each operator does. -John]

I suspect that Haskell doesn't lead to as many problems. There are
some pretty strict limitations on operators in Haskell - in particular
overloading of operators (all functions, really) is very limited - you
can only do it for types which conform to the same class (Integral
above is a class) - so when you use an operator you pretty much know
what you're going to get, unlike in C++. Also, the ability to use
named functions as operators means that people tend to avoid operators
whose meaning can't be easily discerned in favor of named functions.

Haskell also has a few other cool parsing features - in particular,
indentation-based grouping. All of Haskell's syntactic features seem
to be very well thought out - they allow for pretty dense code which
is still very readable. If you want to check out Haskell, I'd
recommend starting with HUGS
(, a simple
but complete Haskell interpreter (actually it compiles to bytecode,
but it's still *much* slower than a real compiler).


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