Re: made up byte code: registers vs. literals (Cliff Click)
3 Dec 1996 20:46:28 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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made up byte code: registers vs. literals (1996-11-24)
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From: (Cliff Click)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Dec 1996 20:46:28 -0500
Organization: none
References: 96-11-149 96-12-020
Keywords: architecture, optimize

"Ray S. Dillinger" <> writes:

> In a RISC architecture there *are no* instructions that deal with literals,
> except one: it loads a literal value into a register. Also, there are
> exactly two instructions that deal with main memory; load and store.

Actually, most RISC ISAs fold 1 add in with the load and store;
either add 2 registers or add a register and literal. This follows
from having 2 addressing modes available on most instructions:
reg+reg and reg+literal.

Cliff Click, Ph.D. Compiler Researcher & Designer
RISC Software, Motorola PowerPC Compilers (512) 891-7240

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