Call For Papers: PDPTA'97 and CISST'97 - Las Vegas, June 30 - July 2, 1997 (Hamid Arabnia)
1 Nov 1996 17:50:11 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Call For Papers: PDPTA'97 and CISST'97 - Las Vegas, June 30 - July 2, (1996-11-01)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: (Hamid Arabnia)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 1 Nov 1996 17:50:11 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: CFP, conference, parallel

[There are two separate CFPs in this message for the two conferences. -John]

                                          C A L L F O R P A P E R S

            International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
                                    Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'97)

                                                    June 30 - July 2, 1997
                                                    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The 1997 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'97) will be held in Las Vegas,
Nevada, June 30 - July 2, 1997.
The last conference (PDPTA'96) had research contributions from 37
countries. It is hoped that PDPTA'97 will also have a strong
international flavor. For information on the last two PDPTA conferences
(PDPTA'95 and PDPTA'96), refer to:

You are invited to submit a draft paper of about 5 pages and/or a
proposal to organize a technical session (see below for submission
information). All accepted papers will be published in the conference


SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

              O Parallel/Distributed applications:
                    Numerical computations/methods, neural networks and fuzzy
                    logic, medicine, remote sensing, GIS, computer vision,
                    computer graphics and virtual reality, parallel/distributed
                    databases, banking, ...

              O Parallel/Distributed architectures:
                    MIMD, SPMD, SIMD, Systolic, vector/pipeline (supercomputers),
                    shared memory, distributed memory, general- and special-purpose
                    architectures, ...

              O Building block processors:
                    Applications of processors that can be used as basic building
                    blocks for multicomputer systems.

              O Networks and Interconnection networks:
                    Scalable networks, Reconfigurable networks, routing issues,
                    general-purpose network performance for distributed
                    applications, ...

              O Reliability and fault-tolerance:
                    Software and hardware fault-tolerance (system- and
                    application-level), fault diagnosis, fault-tolerance

              O Performance analysis and evaluation.

              O Real-time and embedded systems:
                    Small-scale parallel systems for high-performance control,
                    data acquisition, and analysis; configuration, routing,
                    scheduling, performance guarantees.

              O Parallel/Distributed algorithms:
                    Algorithms exploiting MIMD, SPMD, SIMD, Systolic,
                    vector/pipeline, shared memory, distributed memory, ...

              O Mobile computation and communication.

              O Object Oriented Technology and related issues.

              O Heterogeneous and multimedia systems.

              O Software tools and environments for parallel computers:
                    Operating systems, compilers, languages, debuggers, ...

              O High-performance computing in Computational Science:
                    Intra-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research programs
                    and applications.

              O Other aspects and applications relating to high-performance


            Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of their
            draft paper (about 5 pages) to H. R. Arabnia (address is given
            below) by the due date. E-mail and Fax submissions are also
            acceptable. The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted)
            will be limited to 10 pages. Papers must not have been
            previously published or currently submitted for publication

            The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the
            paper, name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address,
            telephone number, and Fax number for each author. The first
            page should also include the name of the author who will be
            presenting the paper (if accepted) and a maximum of 5 keywords.


            Each technical session will have 5/6 paper presentations.
            The session chairs will be responsible in selecting the papers
            for their own sessions. The names of session chairs will appear
            as Associate Editors in the conference proceedings.
            Proposals to organize technical sessions should include the
            following information: name and address (+ E-mail) of proposer,
            title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of
            the session, and how you plan to advertise the session and select
            papers for the proposed session. Mail your proposal to
            H. R. Arabnia (address is given below); E-mail submissions are


            Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
            clarity, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two
            researchers in the topical area. The Camera-Ready papers
            will be reviewed by one person.


            The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press.
            It will be a multivolume set. The proceedings will be available
            at the conference.


            A number of university faculty members in cooperation with
            the Monte Carlo Hotel (conference division) will be organizing
            the conference. The conference is sponsored by Computer Science
            Research, Education, and Applications Tech. (CSREA) in
            cooperation with the North American Transputer Users Group
            (NATUG), Computer Vision Research and Applications Tech. (CVRA),
            developers of high-performance machines and systems (pending) and
            related computer associations (pending.)


            The conference will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort and
            Casino hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This is a new hotel
            with excellent conference facilities and over 3000 rooms.
            The hotel is minutes from the Las Vegas airport with free
            shuttles to and from the airport.
            The hotel has many vacation and recreational attractions,
            including: casino, waterfalls, spa, kiddie pools, sunning
            decks, Easy River water ride, wave pool with cascades,
            lighted tennis courts, health spa (with workout equipment,
            whirlpool, sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms,
            nightly shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping
            area, ... Many of these attractions are open 24 hours a day
            and most are suitable for families and children.
            The hotel's room rate is very reasonable ($79 + 8% tax) per
            night for the duration of the conference.

            The hotel is minutes from other Las Vegas attractions (major
            shopping areas, recreational destinations, fine dining and
            night clubs, free street shows, ...).

            For the benefit of our international colleagues: the state of
            Nevada neighbors with the states of California, Oregon, Idaho,
            Utah, and Arizona. Las Vegas is only a few driving hours away
            from other major cities, including: Los Angeles, San Diego,
            Phoenix, ...


            An exhibition is planned during the conference. We have reserved
            20+ exhibit spaces. Interested parties should contact
            H. R. Arabnia (address is given below).
            All exhibitors will be considered to be the co-sponsors of
            the conference. Each exhibitor will have the opportunity to
            include a two-page description of their latest products in the
            conference proceedings (if submitted by May 19, 1997).


                  February 12, 1997 (Wednesday): Draft papers (5-page) due
                            April 8, 1997 (Tuesday): Notification of acceptance
                                  May 19, 1997 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers due

                              June 30, July 1, July 2: PDPTA'97 Conference

            Proposals to organize technical sessions should be submitted as
            soon as possible (well ahead of the February 12 deadline).

            (Authors of accepted papers will be requested to submit their
            conference registration material which includes the conference
            registration fee by May 19, 1997. This will allow the
            organizers to cover the publication costs ahead of time.
            Reduced registration fees will be available to full time
            students. The fee has not been set yet; but it will be set
            at the academia rate.)


          H. Abachi, Monash University, Victoria, Australia;
          H. R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA;
          F. Baiardi, Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy;
          A. S. Bavan, University of North London, London, UK;
          M. Bozyigit, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, SA;
          M. N. Chong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore;
          P. Clayton, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa;
          E. d'Hollander, RUG, Parallel Information Systems, Belgium;
          S. K. Das, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA;
          D. J. Haglin, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN, USA;
          T. Hazra, TeleTV, Inc., Western Virginia, VA, USA;
          T. Hintz, University of Technology, Australia;
          K. C. Hui, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong;
          D. R. Kaeli, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA;
          F. W. Keong, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore;
          H. Kimm, University of Tennessee, Martin, TN, USA;
          S. Latifi, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA;
          F. Lee, Best System Inc., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, ROC;
          K. Li, State University of New York, New Paltz, NY, USA;
          G. H. Massiha, University of Southwestern Louisiana, LA, USA;
          G. Masson, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA;
          S. Mitrovic, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA;
          M. Naraghi-Pour, Louisiana State University, LA, USA;
          M. A. Palis, New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA;
          Y. Pan, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA;
          G. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus;
          M. A. Saheb, Albany State College, Albany, GA, USA;
          S. Sedukhin, University of Aizu, Fukushima, Japan;
          B. Shirazi, University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA;
          G. S. Stiles, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA;
          L. Tao, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada;
          F. Valafar, University of Georgia, GA, USA;
          D. S. L. Wei, University of Aizu, Fukushima, Japan;
          H. M. Windisch, Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany;
          C. W. Xu, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA;
          M. Yasrebi, Nynex Science and Technology, Inc., NY, USA.


                    Professor Hamid R. Arabnia
                    (PDPTA'97 Conference Contact)
                    The University of Georgia
                    Department of Computer Science
                    415 Graduate Studies Research Center
                    Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A.

                    Tel: (706) 542-3480
                    Fax: (706) 542-2966



                    Professor Yi Pan
                    Department of Computer Science
                    University of Dayton
                    Dayton, OH 45469-2160, USA
                    Tel: (513) 229-3807
                    Fax: (513) 229-4000



                                          C A L L F O R P A P E R S

    International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology

                                                    June 30 - July 2, 1997
                                                    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The first International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and
Technology (CISST'97) will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada,
June 30 - July 2, 1997. All aspects of computer graphics, image
processing, and pattern recognition are included in CISST.

You are invited to submit a draft paper of about 5 pages and/or a
proposal to organize a technical session (see below for submission
information). All accepted papers will be published in the conference


SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

              O Image generation, acquisition, and processing.

              O Image display techniques.

              O Image data structures and databases.

              O Convergence of imaging media (video and computer).

              O Virtual reality.

              O Image compression, coding, and encryption.

              O Tools for multimedia production and services.

              O Digital imaging for film and television.

              O Visualization.

              O Scene and object modeling.

              O Knowledge acquisition.

              O Visual inspection.

              O Document image understanding.

              O Image algebra.

              O Mathematical morphology.

              O Architecture of imaging and vision systems (including
                    parallel architectures and algorithms).

              O Neural network techniques and fuzzy logic.

              O Performance analysis and evaluation.

              O Software tools and environments for imaging.

              O Applications including: medicine, robotic, GIS,
                    remote sensing, ...

              O Other aspects and applications relating to imaging science.


            Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of their
            draft paper (about 5 pages) to H. R. Arabnia (address is given
            below) by the due date. E-mail and Fax submissions are also
            acceptable. The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted)
            will be limited to 10 pages. Papers must not have been
            previously published or currently submitted for publication

            The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the
            paper, name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address,
            telephone number, and Fax number for each author. The first
            page should also include the name of the author who will be
            presenting the paper (if accepted) and a maximum of 5 keywords.


            Each technical session will have 5/6 paper presentations.
            The session chairs will be responsible in selecting the papers
            for their own sessions. The names of session chairs will appear
            as Associate Editors in the conference proceedings.
            Proposals to organize technical sessions should include the
            following information: name and address (+ E-mail) of proposer,
            title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of
            the session, and how you plan to advertise the session and select
            papers for the proposed session. Mail your proposal to
            H. R. Arabnia (address is given below); E-mail submissions are


            Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
            clarity, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two
            researchers in the topical area. The Camera-Ready papers
            will be reviewed by one person.


            The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press.
            The proceedings will be available at the conference.
            Please note that all color pictures/diagrams will be published
            in gray-scale.


            A number of university faculty members in cooperation with
            the Monte Carlo Hotel (conference division) will be organizing
            the conference. The conference is sponsored by Computer Science
            Research, Education, and Applications Tech. (CSREA) in
            cooperation with the Computer Vision Research and Applications
            Tech. (CVRA), developers of high-performance machines and
            systems (pending) and related computer associations (pending.)


            The conference will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort and
            Casino hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This is a new hotel
            with excellent conference facilities and over 3000 rooms.
            The hotel is minutes from the Las Vegas airport with free
            shuttles to and from the airport.
            The hotel has many vacation and recreational attractions,
            including: casino, waterfalls, spa, kiddie pools, sunning
            decks, Easy River water ride, wave pool with cascades,
            lighted tennis courts, health spa (with workout equipment,
            whirlpool, sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms,
            nightly shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping
            area, ... Many of these attractions are open 24 hours a day
            and most are suitable for families and children.
            The hotel's room rate is very reasonable ($79 + 8% tax) per
            night for the duration of the conference.

            The hotel is minutes from other Las Vegas attractions (major
            shopping areas, recreational destinations, fine dining and
            night clubs, free street shows, ...).

            For the benefit of our international colleagues: the state of
            Nevada neighbors with the states of California, Oregon, Idaho,
            Utah, and Arizona. Las Vegas is only a few driving hours away
            from other major cities, including: Los Angeles, San Diego,
            Phoenix, ...


            An exhibition is planned during the conference. We have reserved
            20+ exhibit spaces. Interested parties should contact
            H. R. Arabnia (address is given below).
            All exhibitors will be considered to be the co-sponsors of
            the conference. Each exhibitor will have the opportunity to
            include a two-page description of their latest products in the
            conference proceedings (if submitted by May 19, 1997).


                  February 12, 1997 (Wednesday): Draft papers (5-page) due
                            April 8, 1997 (Tuesday): Notification of acceptance
                                  May 19, 1997 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers due

                              June 30, July 1, July 2: CISST'97 Conference

            Proposals to organize technical sessions should be submitted as
            soon as possible (well ahead of the February 12 deadline).

            (Authors of accepted papers will be requested to submit their
            conference registration material which includes the conference
            registration fee by May 19, 1997. This will allow the
            organizers to cover the publication costs ahead of time.
            Reduced registration fees will be available to full time
            students. The fee has not been set yet; but it will be set
            at the academia rate.)


            The Program Committee is currently being formed. If you would like
            the join the committee, please email the following information

                                                First name:
                                                Last name:
                                                Title (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./Prof.):
                                                Complete mailing address:
                                                Telephone No.:
                                                Fax No.:
                                                E-mail address:
                                                Area of research interest:
                                                + Please include a short biography.


                    Professor Hamid R. Arabnia
                    (CISST'97 Conference Contact)
                    The University of Georgia
                    Department of Computer Science
                    415 Graduate Studies Research Center
                    Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A.

                    Tel: (706) 542-3480
                    Fax: (706) 542-2966



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