Re: Choosing a language for compiler design

Tim Wilson 6093 <>
18 Oct 1996 00:05:37 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Tim Wilson 6093 <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Oct 1996 00:05:37 -0400
Organization: Simoco Telecommunications Limited
References: 96-10-075
Keywords: design, tools (Paulo Jose Matos Lopes Pinto - Aluno
Eng. Informatica) writes:

> Now that I have an Yacc/Lex files for Oberon, I face the problem of
> choosing a language for its implementation.
> I have versions of Yacc/Lex for C, C++, Turbo Pascal and Ada.

... and byacc can output Perl too.

I'm nearing the end of a compiler project using Perl 5 (and flex and
byacc). I suggest you add Perl 5 to your list of candidates:

  -- Perl :
        Automatic storage management; safe pointers
        Good data structure support: lists, strings, hash tables (ie
                symbol tables) and objects (with inheritance).
        Quick development cycle.

        You have to code (run-time) type checking yourself.
        Fair stability: in round figures, I find one bug in perl per 10000 SLOC.
        Compilation-time penalty every time you run your program.
        Execution slower than fully-compiled code.

In our project, short development time was the highest priority, and I
have no regrets about choosing Perl 5.

Tim Wilson, Simoco Telecommunications Ltd, Cambridge, UK

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