Re: Choosing a language for compiler design (Torben AEgidius Mogensen)
18 Oct 1996 00:03:38 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Torben AEgidius Mogensen)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Oct 1996 00:03:38 -0400
Organization: Department of Computer Science, U of Copenhagen
References: 96-10-075
Keywords: tools (Paulo Jose Matos Lopes Pinto - Aluno Eng. Informatica) writes:

> Now that I have an Yacc/Lex files for Oberon, I face the problem of
> choosing a language for its implementation.

My suggestion is SML (Standard ML):

  It has a good type system with polymorphism (similar to Ada generics).
  It has a good module system.
  It has exceptions.
  Data structures are easily handled, using pattern matching and
  garbage collection.

  It's not widely accepted by some people.
  It hasn't as many tools as C++.

>[Depends what your goals are. If it's maximum portability, write it in C.
>If you want to get it working quickly, write it in Lisp. -John]

SML has most of the advantages of Lisp, plus good type and module
systems. Versions of Lex and Yacc exist for SML (either for SML of New
Jersey or for Moscow ML). We use Moscow ML for our undergraduate
compiler class at the University of Copenhagen.

Torben Mogensen (

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