Re: Choosing a language for compiler design (Peter Sestoft)
18 Oct 1996 00:03:16 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Peter Sestoft)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Oct 1996 00:03:16 -0400
Organization: Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
References: 96-10-075
Keywords: yacc, lex, question

> Now that I have an Yacc/Lex files for Oberon, I face the problem of
> choosing a language for its implementation.
> I have versions of Yacc/Lex for C, C++, Turbo Pascal and Ada.
> There are several issues regarding the choosen language

[discussion follows]

Our distinguished moderator added this comment:

> [Depends what your goals are. If it's maximum portability, write it in C.
> If you want to get it working quickly, write it in Lisp. -John]

(Standard) ML is another language for implementing a compiler fast.
It offers algebraic datatypes and polymorphic typechecking, so you'll
have to suffer neither the C `segmentation fault' nor the Lisp `cannot
take car of nil' messages.

In fact, one guy teaching compiler construction objected to the use of
ML in his course on the grounds that it would make the project too

The Standard ML of New Jersey, Caml Light, and Moscow ML systems come
with versions of lex and yacc.

Department of Mathematics and Physics *
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University * Tel +45 3528 2334
Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark * Fax +45 3528 2350

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