generating float point operation codef or complex formula in x87

"Han, Sangjin" <>
8 Oct 1996 01:23:50 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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generating float point operation codef or complex formula in x87 (Han, Sangjin) (1996-10-08)
Re: generating float point operation codef or complex formula in x87 (1996-10-10)
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From: "Han, Sangjin" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Oct 1996 01:23:50 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: code, question, comment

I'm designing a tiny compiler which supports integer value and
float point calculation.

And the compiler generates 80386/7 machine code.

BTW, 80387 coprocessor has a small stack of eight float point registors.

I can use the stack for float point arithmetic, such as,

f * (a + ( b * c + d * e )) .

Machine code will be generated in 3 step.

step.1 convert order
f, a, b, c, *, d, e, *, +, +, *

step.2 generate psuedo code
push f
push a
push b
push c
push d
push e

step.3 convert to 80387 code
fld f
fld a
fld b
fld c
fld d
fld e

In this case, 80387's stack was used only 5 registers,
ST(0), ST(1), ST(2), ST(3), ST(4).

If the formula has 15 degree of nested operation,
the output code will occure stack overflow. ;-(

Is there any good method that generate a neat code
and allow 15 degree of nested operation ?

Sangjin Han
[For each expression, generate the code for the more complex subexpression
first. In the example above, reorganize to:

(( b * c + d * e ) + a) * f.
b, c, *, d, e, *, +, a, +, f, *

This keeps the stack depth down to 3 rather than 5 in this case. It's
my impression that once you've done this, there are very few
expressions in actual code that won't fit in 8 registers, so a lot of
compilers give up if they run out of register stack, and nobody
notices. -John]

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