8 Jun 1996 22:13:49 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Harrick Vin's MMCN Account)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Jun 1996 22:13:49 -0400
Organization: CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin
Keywords: architecture, conference

                      Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go On Vacation

                                                    HOT CHIPS SYMPOSIUM 8

                                                      August 18-20, 1996
                                                        Kresge Auditorium
                                            Stanford University, Stanford CA
                                                        (Advance Program)

Attend HOT Chips 8, a symposium on high-performance chips, which will
bring together researchers and developers of chips used to construct
high-performance workstations and systems. Enjoy the informal format
offering interaction with speakers. The first seven HOT Chips
Symposiums were huge successes and prompted articles in special issues
of IEEE Micro magazine.

Since 1989, Hot Chips has attracted an audience of pioneers in the
computer field as well as the hottest young designers. Each year, Hot
Chips has presented the latest developments in microprocessors, graphic
chips, support chips, compression chips, and embedded processors. Join
us on Sunday for two tutorials. Learn Java programming secrets and hear
about the most recent developments in uniprocessor chips.

HOT Chips 8 is sponsored by the Technical Committee on Microprocessors
and Microcomputers of the IEEE Computer Society.



General Chair: Dennis Reinhardt, Intel

Vice Chair: John Mashey, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Program Committee Co-Chairs: Winfried Wilcke, HAL Computer Systems
                                                          Robert Garner, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Finance: Diane Smith, Consultant

Publications: David Gustavson, SCIzzL & Santa Clara University

Registration: Robert Stewart, Stewart Research Enterprises

Publicity: Weijia Shang, Santa Clara University

Local Arrangements: Slava Mach, SCVCS Chair
                                        Amr Zaky, Intel

Tutorials: Hasan AlKhatib, Santa Clara University

At Large: John Hennessy, Stanford University
                    Martin Freeman, Philips Research
                    Nam Ling, Santa Clara University
                    Alan Jay Smith, University of California, Berkeley


Program Committee Co-Chairs: Winfried Wilcke, HAL Computer Systems
                                                          Robert Garner, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Program Committee Members:

Tom Burd, University of California, Berkeley
Carole Dulong, Intel
Martin Hopkins, IBM
Mark Horowitz, Stanford University
Norm Jouppi, Digital Equipment Corporation
John Mashey, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Teresa Meng, Stanford University
Roman Ormandy, Caligari
Steve Purcell, Chromatic Research
Dennis Reinhardt, Intel
Shanker Singh, IBM
Alan J. Smith, University of California, Berkeley
Robert Stewart, Stewart Research Enterprises
John Wharton, Applications Research
Hasan AlKhatib, Santa Clara University

| |
| This is a preliminary program. Presentations may be dropped, added and/or |
| moved between sessions. Visit our web page for program updates. You can |
| register electronically and find detailed information. |
| |
| |
| |



August 18, 1996 - Kresge Auditorium

7:30 - 8:30 Registration & Coffee at Kresge Auditorium
8:30 - 12:00 Java Software Secrets
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 5:00 Toward 10 Instructions/Cycle Uniprocessors
5:00 - 6:30 Wine & Cheese Reception in the Old Union Courtyard

Sami Shaio, Co-founder, Java Startup

Java has the computer world abuzz with its promise of a truly
platform-independent, object-oriented language, developed for
distributed computing environments. 'Applets' written in Java can be
downloaded over a network and safely executed in the client computer.

The tutorial starts with a description of the Java language and useful
programming idioms. Then we will explore some of the new Java
development environments available and provide a hands-on tutorial on
programming to the Java API - with emphasis on the graphical user
interface package (AWT class) and the networking libraries.

In addition to applets, we will also cover some techniques for
programming stand-alone applications and show that Java is a very
modern and useful language for all kinds of applications, not just for
applets on a web page.

Yale Patt, Prof. of EE & CS, University of Michigan

The marketplace continues to demand more and more performance from the
computer systems we deliver. To us, that translates in part to packing
more performance on a single chip. The process technology people
promise 100 Million transistors in the year 2000, and 10 Billion by the
year 2010.

What do we do with them? Several paradigms have been put forward: VLIW
(which I dismiss), MP on a chip (which I think is not the best
approach), and one 10 IPC uniprocessor on a chip (the answer of choice
- mine!).

How do we get there? The problem has three parts: instruction supply,
data supply and instruction processing. And three components to the
solution: microarchitecture, compiler and algorithm. In this talk, I
will discuss some of what is going on in these dimensions that should
lead to a 10 IPC uniprocessor (on integer benchmarks, of course).


August 19, 1996 - Kresge Auditorium

Registration and Coffee

Welcome and Opening Remarks:
Dennis Reinhardt, General Chair
Winfried Wilcke and Robert Garner, Program Co-Chairs

9:15-10:45 Session 1: High Performance Microprocessors
Session Chair: Norm Jouppi, Digital Equipment Corporation

1. The HP PA-8000 RISC CPU: A High Performance Out-of-Order Processor
      Ashok Kumar, Hewlett-Packard

2. Design Objective of the 0.35-micron Alpha 21164 Microprocessor
      Gregg Bouchard, Pete Bannon, Digital Equipment Corporation

3. Design and Performance Benefits of an Integrated L2 Cache for the
      PowerPC 604e
      Ann Marie G. Maynard, IBM

10:45-11:15 Break

11:15:-12:45 Session 2: Compilers and Emulation
Session Chair: John Mashey, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

1. The Wabi CPU Emulator Technology
      Paul Hohensee, Mathew Myszewski, David Reese, Sun Microsystems,

2. A Parallelizing Compiler for UltraSPARC Systems
      Partha Tirumalai, Vinod Grover, Xiangyun Kong, Michael Lai, Jian-Zhong
      Wang, Kurt Goebel, Chris Aoki, Peter Damron, Krishna Subramanian
      Sun Microsystems

3. The RISC Penalty
      Tom Pittman, Microprocessor Consultant

12:45-2:00 Lunch (Tressider and Bowman Grove)


Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems
Microprocessor Architecture: The Next Ten Years and Beyond

2:45-3:45 Session 3: Memory Technologies
Session Chair: Winfried Wilcke, HAL Computer Systems

1. The Case for Intelligent DRAM: IRAM
      Dave Patterson, University of California, Berkeley

2. High Performance Caches - The Quiet Revolution
      David Chapman, Motorola

3:45-4:15 Break

4:15-5:45 Session 4: Embedded Processors
Session Chair: Robert Garner, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

1. ARM810 - Dancing to the Beat of a Different Drum
      Guy Larri, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.

2. StrongArm 110: A 160MHz 32b 0.5W CMOS ARM Processor
      Jim Eno, Digital Equipment Corporation

3. PicoJava (TM): A Hardware Implementation of the Java Virtual Machine
      Marc Tremblay and Michael O'Connor, Sun Microsystems

5:45-8:00 Monday Evening Buffet Dinner

8:00-10:00 EVENING PANEL SESSION, Lagunita Court

Software or Silicon - What's the Best Route to Java?
Moderator: John H. Wharton, Applications Research

Java has taken the network world by storm, and may also begin appearing
in embedded systems ranging from printers and cell phones to
air-traffic control monitors. Sun is responding with a line of custom
processors optimized for this next generation of Java-based products.

But are custom devices really needed? In what ways could
Java-intensive applications benefit from dedicated silicon? How do
hardware implementations of the Java Virtual Machine compare with more
conventional software approaches? Are there less radical hardware
solutions than implementing the full Java Virtual Machine?

Can anything be learned from language-specific CPUs of the past? This
panel brings together experts from all sides of the Java-processor
controversy to debate whether the performance and system-integration
advantages of a custom chip are sufficient to justify undertaking an
all-new design.

August 20, 1996 - Kresge Auditorium

Registration and Coffee

9:00-10:30 Session 5: Multimedia Extensions for x86 Architecture
Session Chair: Teresa Meng, Stanford University

1. Intel MMX Technology - an Overview
      Uri Weiser, Intel

2. The P55C Microarchitecture - First Implementation of MMX Technology
      Michael Kagan, Intel

3. Multimedia Instruction Set Extensions for a 6th Generation Processor
      Robert Maher, Cyrix

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 Session 6: Multimedia Accelerators
Session Chair: Steve Purcell, Chromatic Research

1. The Trimedia TM-1 PCI VLIW Mediaprocessor
      Gerrit A Slavenburg, Philips Semiconductors

2. Hardware/Software Interaction on the Mpact Media Processor
      Paul Kalapathy, Chromatic Research

3. VLIW Processor for Multimedia Applications
      Edgar Holmann, Toyohiko Yoshida, Akira Yamada, Yukihiko Shimazu
      Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, System LSI Laboratory

12:30-2:00 Lunch (Tressider and Bowman Grove)

2:00-3:30 Session 7: The Touchstone Project
Session Chair: Carole Dulong, Intel

1. Touchstone - A Fresh Approach to Multimedia for the PC
      Martin Randall, Emmett Kilgariff, Silicon Engineering, Inc.

2. Multi-media Signal Processor (MSP) Summary
      L.T. Nguyen, M. Mohamed, H. Park, Y. Pai, R. Wong, A. Qureshi,
      P. Psong, F. Valesco, H.D. Truong, C. Reader
      Samsung Semiconductor, Inc.

3. Custom VLSI for the Compositing Buffer and Media DAC Functions
      Ali Djabbari, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.

3:30-4:00 Break

4:00-5:00 Session 8: Unconventional Uses of Silicon
Session Chair: Alan J. Smith, University of California, Berkeley

1. Surface Micromachining - An IC Compatible Sensor Technology
      Bernhard E. Boser, University of California, Berkeley

      Jim Garside, University of Manchester

5:00-6:30 Session 9: 3D Engines
Session Chair: Roman Ormandy, Caligari Corp.

1. Permedia and GLINT Delta, New Generation Silicon for 3D Graphics
      Neil Trevett, 3Dlabs

2. Introducing ViRGE/GX - A Second Generation 2D/Video/3D Display
      Accelerator for the Mainstream PC Market
      Phil Bernosky, Scott Tandy, S3, Inc.

3. InfiniteReality Graphics - Power Through Complexity
      Brian McClendon, John Montrym, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

6:30 Concluding Remarks
Robert Stewart, Stewart Research Enterprises

This is a preliminary program. Presentations may be dropped, added and/or
moved between sessions. Visit our web page for program updates. You can
register electronically and find detailed information about housing.



Electronic Registration can be paid via Visa or MasterCard.

Use Fax # -- (415) 941-5048
Or E-mail/Internet --
Or On-line web page --

Electronic registrations will not be accepted after August 10th.

Cancellation of registration prior to August 10, 1996, will be made for
a charge of $25. Credit card users cannot register and then cancel
after August 10th without agreeing to pay the entire bill.

A Stanford map, parking permit, the location for parking, and a receipt
will be mailed to early registrants. It is not possible to provide
verifications or the above information to late registrants; send by
either Fed Ex or certified mail to confirm registration.

On-Site Registration is available Sunday morning before the tutorial
and each morning at the Symposium. Early advanced registration is
strongly recommended as our new location has limited space. We may NOT
be able to accommodate walk-ins.

Registration Includes:

One copy of the notes
Two luncheons
Coffee breaks
Sunday afternoon wine and cheese reception
Monday evening reception


EARLY: If registration is received before & on July 22, 1996

IEEE/CS/ACM Member -- $180
Non-Member -- $240
Student Member -- $60
Sunday Tutorials -- $40

LATE: If registration is received July 23, 1996, to Aug. 10, 1996

IEEE/CS/ACM Member -- $230
Non-Member -- $290
Student Member -- $80
Sunday Tutorials -- $80

MAYBE TOO LATE due to space limitations in our new location: One week before
the symposium and at the door, on & after August 11, 1996

IEEE/CS/ACM Member -- $300
Non-Member -- $360
Student Member -- $100
Sunday Tutorials -- $120

Extra copies of the notebook are available for a charge of $40.

                                          Before & on July 23rd On & After
                                              July 22 to Aug 10 Aug 11

IEEE/CS/ACM $180 $230 $300

Non-Member $240 $290 $360

Student Member $60 $80 $100

Sunday Tutorials $40 $80 $120

Extra Notebook $40 $40 $40

Students must supply a copy of their Student ID.

Discounts: A $5 discount will be allowed those who pay by check. Large
group registrations of 15 or more will be allowed a ten percent
discount on the total amount.

IEEE/Computer Society Membership: If non-members call Gaye Seaborn at
(800) 272-6657 and join, and she confirms that, they may register using
member rates. The half-year rates are: IEEE - $72, Computer Society
Affiliate - $32.

Provide this information to your accounts payable group.

Federal Tax I.D. number is 13-1656633 for the:

Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
345 E. 47th Street
New York, New York 10017




Dept./Mail Stop:______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________



Area Code/Phone #:____________________________________________________________

Fax Number:___________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________

Membership Designation: IEEE/CS, ACM, None, or Full-Time Student. (Students
must supply a copy of their student ID.):

Society Membership Number:____________________________________________________

Payment Method: Check or Credit Card:_________________________________________

Electronic Payment Method: Visa or Mastercard:________________________________

Cardholder Name:______________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number:___________________________________________________________

Expiration Date:______________________________________________________________


Total Amount Paid: Payable to Hot Chips Symposium:____________________________

If you don't want to be on the Hot Chips mailing list, so indicate:___________

Note that if you cancel your registration after 8/10/96, you must agree to
pay the entire bill.

If you wish to register by mail, contact Dr. Stewart at Phone:
(415) 941-6699 or Fax: (415) 941-5048.

Dr. Robert G. Stewart
Stewart Research Enterprises
1658 Belvoir Drive
Los Altos, California 94024



New for 1996: Campus housing applications are being handled directly by
Stanford this year, not the Hot Chips committee. You can find general
housing information on our web page at Do
not contact registration about housing questions or information.

Housing is available on the Stanford University campus in a student
residence that is conveniently located near Kresge Auditorium where
sessions will be held. The rate for single occupancy is $41.00 per
night and for shared occupancy, $29.25 per night for each person.
Bathrooms are shared by guests of the same gender. No smoking is
allowed in the residence or in any buildings on the campus. To receive
an application for campus housing, call the Stanford Conference Office
at 415-725-1429 or send an email to HF.CRU@
Concerns? Call (415) 494-7081.

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