Enum: a tool for generating code

Marc.Le-Fur@irisa.fr (Marc Le-Fur)
27 Mar 1996 00:10:45 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Enum: a tool for generating code Marc.Le-Fur@irisa.fr (1996-03-27)
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From: Marc.Le-Fur@irisa.fr (Marc Le-Fur)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Mar 1996 00:10:45 -0500
Organization: Irisa, Rennes (FR)
Keywords: tools, available

                                                      SOFTWARE ANNOUNCEMENT

                                        ENUM: A TOOL FOR SCANNING POLYHEDRONS


Enum is a standalone program written in C which is aimed at solving
the polyhedron scanning problem: given a parameterized polyhedron P in
a context C (P and C are both defined by systems of affine
constraints), enum computes a control structure whose execution
enumerates the integer vectors of P for a given parameter in C. The
general form of the control structure is a conditionnal statement
whose body is composed of a loop nest enumerating the integer vectors
of P. The polyhedron scanning problem is well-known in the field of
automatic loop transformation and the compilation of (High
Performance) Fortran DO-loops or systems of affine recurrence
equations on parallel architectures.

For more information: http://www.irisa.fr/pampa/NOUVEAUTES/logiciels.html

| Marc LE FUR | Tel : + |
| IRISA | Fax : + |
| projet PAMPA | E-mail : mlefur@irisa.fr |
| Campus de Beaulieu | http://www.irisa.fr/pampa |
| 35042 Rennes cedex | |
| FRANCE | |

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