EQNTOTT-specific optimizers revisited

cdg@nullstone.com (Christopher Glaeser)
27 Jan 1996 01:11:46 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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EQNTOTT-specific optimizers revisited cdg@nullstone.com (1996-01-27)
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From: cdg@nullstone.com (Christopher Glaeser)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Jan 1996 01:11:46 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: C, optimize, testing, benchmarks

I have codified two additional tests for EQNTOTT-specific optimizers.

The first new test uses a wider range of input values than are used in the
EQNTOTT benchmark, and will fail if the compiler generates code that
assumes a limited range of input values.

The second new test varies the alignments of the short-int input arrays,
and will fail if 1) the architecture requires 32-bit and 64-bit loads to
be 32-bit and 64-bit aligned, 2) the compiler uses 32-bit or 64-bit loads
to load multiple shorts, and 3) the compiler does not emit code to ensure
32-bit or 64-bit alignment.

A more complete description of these tests for EQNTOTT-specific optimizations
is included at http://www.nullstone.com/eqntott/eqntott.htm. The sources
for the tests are at ftp://ftp.nullstone.com/pub/eqntott-tests.tar.Z.

Best regards,
Christopher Glaeser cdg@nullstone.com
Nullstone Corporation http://www.nullstone.com

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