Call for papers: Reflection '96

Anurag Mendhekar <>
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 17:10:15 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Call for papers: Reflection '96 (Anurag Mendhekar) (1995-10-25)
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Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.compilers,comp.programming
From: Anurag Mendhekar <>
Keywords: conference, CFP, OOP, architecture
Organization: Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, California, USA
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 17:10:15 GMT
Return-Path: <news@CANTALOUPE.SRV.CS.CMU.EDU> (Smail3.1.28.1 #3) id m0t89Fc-00052TC; Wed, 25 Oct 95 13:04 EDT

Reflection'96 Conference
San Francisco, California
April 21-23, 1996

Over the last 15 years, the topic of Reflection and Meta-Level
Architectures has attracted increasing attention from researchers
throughout computer science. Reflective and meta-level techniques have
matured to the point where they are being used to address real-world
problems in such areas as programming languages, operating systems,
databases, and distributed computing.

This conference will provide an opportunity for researchers with a broad
range of interests in reflective techniques to discuss recent
developments in this field. It will also provide an opportunity for
researchers to discuss their work with colleagues from other parts of
computing. The conference aims not only at advances within the field of
reflection, but also seeks to bridge related developments in other
fields of computer science using reflection as the binding theme.

In addition to paper presentations, a strong program of panels and
invited presentations will dicuss issues including conceptual
foundations, practical applications, recent developments and upcoming
challenges and opportunities for reflection.

Papers will be accepted on topics including, but not limited to, the

    Conceptual and theoretical foundations of reflection
      reflective programming languages
      languages to support reflective systems
      implementation techniques
      reflective database languages
      metaobject protocols
      applications to
          operating systems
          window systems
          collaborative systems
      reflective programming methodologies and environments
      AI and knowledge-based systems
      logic programming

        Because reflection, like object-oriented programming,
        modularity and data abstraction is a basic technique that
        many people have ``invented for themselves'' we solicit
        papers that analyze and re-present existing systems in the
        conceptual framework of reflection.

        Because work on reflection has spanned a wide range of
        the computing community, including programming languages,
        AI and logic, we invite contributions that draw connections
        across this span.

Papers will be reviewed by the program committee; acceptance will be
based on depth, quality, relevance, and scope. Accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. In addition to the
proceedings, a book will be published after the conference consisting of
those papers that are of the highest technical and/or tutorial
significance, and that best represent the current state of the art.


      December 1 1995 submissions due to program chair
      Febuary 2 1996 notification of acceptance
      Febuary 25 1996 camera ready copy due
      April 21 1996 conference starts


Further updates of information about the conference will be available on
the World Wide Web at:


Nine physical copies of an original manuscript of no more than 6000
words should be submitted, no later than December 1, 1995 to the address
below chair. An electronic mail address should be included with the
submission, so that confirmation and all further correspondence with the
program chair can be done electronically.

      Gregor Kiczales
      Xerox PARC
      3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
      Palo Alto, CA 94304

All other correspondence with the program chair should be via email, at:


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