8th Intl. Symposium on System Synthesis : REGISTER NOW !

goossens@imec.be (Gert Goossens)
Wed, 9 Aug 1995 14:10:14 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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8th Intl. Symposium on System Synthesis : REGISTER NOW ! goossens@imec.be (1995-08-09)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: goossens@imec.be (Gert Goossens)
Keywords: conference
Organization: IMEC vzw, Leuven, Belgium
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 14:10:14 GMT

8 t h I S S S
8th International Symposium on System Synthesis
Cannes, Cote d'Azur, France, September 13-15, 1995


        If you plan to attend ISSS, please register now !
        - Reduced registration rates valid until : AUGUST 20, 1995
        - Guaranteed hotel room reservations until : AUGUST 16, 1995

*** MORE INFO ***

        For the final symposium programme or instructions for registration
        and hotel reservation, please consult the ISSS World Wide Web page :


        or send an E-mail message to one of the addresses below.

        ISSS is the successor of the High-Level Synthesis Workshop/Symposium.
        In addition to high-level synthesis, this year's symposium will cover
        new topics in full electronic system design, such as estimation and
        transformation, software/hardware co-design, use of embedded
        processors, high-level synthesis and modeling. Official proceedings
        will be published by IEEE.

        Cannes is a splendid location for a symposium like ISSS. It is the
        pearl of the sunny French "Cote d'Azur". The region is famous
        for its holiday resorts, its cuisine, and for its cultural events.

        On behalf of the program committee,

        Ahmed A. Jerraya Gert Goossens
        jerraya@imag.fr goossens@imec.be

        Technical Program Chair Publicity Chair

--------------------------------------------------- Gert Goossens ------------
                        PHONE : +32/16/28.15.75 Kapeldreef 75
                        FAX : +32/16/28.15.15 B-3001 Leuven
                        E-MAIL : goossens@imec.be Belgium

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