Sat, 24 Jun 1995 04:30:51 GMT

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Patrik Hagglund)
Keywords: conference, CFP
Organization: CIS Dept, Linkoping University, Sweden
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 04:30:51 GMT
Status: RO


CC'96 - International Conference on Compiler Construction

ESOP'96 - European Symposium on Programming

CAAP'96 - Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming

Important dates:

Sept 19, 1995 Deadline for submission

Nov 10, 1995 Notification to authors

Jan 20, 1995 Final papers due

Conference week: 22-26 April 1996, Linkoeping, Sweden

CC'96: International Conference on Compiler Construction

The International Conference on Compiler Construction provides a forum
for presentation and discussion of recent developments in the area of
compiler construction, language implementation and language
design. Its scope ranges from compilation methods and tools to
implementation techniques for specific requirements of languages and
target architectures. It also includes language design and programming
environment issues which are related to language translation. There is
an emphasis on practical and efficient techniques.

Traditionally, this includes the following non-exhaustive list of
topics: tools for any phase of compilation, methods and techniques for
code generation and optimization, compilation for parallel
architectures, compilation of computer languages (imperative,
functional, logic, object-oriented, parallel, etc), translation of
application and specification languages, and other tools closely
related to compiler construction (debuggers, data flow analyzers,

ESOP'96: European Symposium on Programming

This conference is devoted to fundamental issues in the specification,
analysis and implementation of programming languages and systems. It
particularly welcomes research which bridges the gap between theory
and practice: for example, practical studies based on theoretical
developments and theoretical developments with a clearly identified
potential for practical application. The emphasis is on the soundness
and correctness of the approach.

Traditionally, this includes the following non-exhaustive list of
topics: software specification and verification (including algebraic
techniques and model checking), programming paradigms and their
integration (including functional, logic, concurrent and
object-oriented), semantics facilitating the formal development and
implementation of programming languages and systems, advanced type
systems (including polymorphism and subtyping), program analysis
(including abstract interpretation and constraint systems), program
transformation (including partial evaluation and term rewriting), and
implementation techniques (including compilation).

CAAP: Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming

This colloquium series was originally devoted to the algebraic and
combinatorial properties of trees and their roles in various fields of
Computer Science. Its scope has extended to several other structures,
such as words or graphs, which play similar roles and deserve similar
theoretical studies. In keeping with these traditions, CAAP'96 will
cover algebraic, logical and combinatorial properties of discrete
structures and their application to Computer Science.

This includes the following non-exhaustive list of topics: basic
objects in computation processes, especially words, trees, graphs and
their languages; techniques for manipulating these objects, such as
automata, grammars, regular expressions, rewriting, unification,
matching and constraint solving; applications of these structures to
syntax and semantics of programming languages, transition systems and
models of concurrency, logic and formal verification; and theoretical
problems arising in software development.


Original papers on topics relevant to CAAP'96, CC'96 and ESOP'96 are
sought. Prospective authors are invited to submit five copies of a
full draft paper (at most 15 pages in the standard Springer Lecture
Notes format) and to electronically mail a plain ascii title and
abstract to:

attn. Tibor Gyimothy
Department of Informatics
Jozsef Attila University
P.O. Box 652
H-6701 Szeged

Telephone: +36 62310011/3771
Telefax: +36 62312508

attn. Hanne Riis Nielson
Computer Science Department
Aarhus University
Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Telephone: +45 8942 3188
Telefax: +45 8942 3255

attn. Helene Kirchner
Batiment LORIA,
Campus Scientifique
BP 239
F-54506 Vandoeuvre

Telephone: +33 83 59 30 12
Telefax: +33 83 27 83 19

Papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Each submission should include a short abstract, a list of keywords,
and should clearly indicate an address for correspondence, with e-mail
address if available. Authors who have no access to photocopying
facilities may submit a single copy. Electronically submitted papers
will not be considered. Papers that attempt to establish links between
different approaches will be particularly welcome. Papers will be carefully
refereed and will be judged on the basis of relevance, originality,
significance, correctness, and clarity.

Papers arriving late may be rejected immediately, without refereeing.
The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged.

The proceedings are expected to be published by Springer-Verlag
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

For further details consult

Program committees

H. Kirchner (France, chair)
M. Filgueiras (Portugal)
D. Hofbauer (Germany)
J.R. Kennaway (UK)
P. Mosses (Denmark)
R. Nieuwenhuis (Spain)
T. Nipkow (Germany)
D. Niwinski (Poland)
R. Pinzani (Italy)
F. Rossi (Italy)
D. Sannella (UK)
S. Tison (France)

T. Gyimothy (Hungary, chair)
M. Bartha (Hungary, Canada)
P. Fritzson(Sweden)
P. Franchi-Zannettacci (France)
R. Gupta (USA)
N. Horspool (Canada)
M. Jourdan (France)
S. Jahnichen (Germany)
U. Kastens (Germany)
K. Koskimies (Finland)
B. Magnusson (Sweden)
T. Reps (USA)
G. Riedewald (Germany)
B. Ryder (USA)
J. Uhl (Germany)
D.A. Watt (UK)

H.R. Nielson (Denmark, chair)
R. Cousot (France)
P. Degano (Italy)
R. Giegerich (Germany)
C.L. Hankin (UK)
P. Klint (The Netherlands)
A. Mycroft (UK)
O. Nierstrasz (Switzerland)
F. Orejas (Spain)
R. Plasmeijer (The Netherlands)
D. Remy (France)
B. Steffen (Germany)
C. Talcott (USA)
A. Tarlecki (Poland)

Invited speakers

Samson Abramsky (UK)
Frank Pfenning (USA)

William Waite (USA)

Cliff Jones (UK)
Simon Peyton-Jones (UK)

Local arrangement

The conferences will be held at the University of Linkoping,
Sweden. The chairman of the local arrangement committee is:

attn. Peter Fritzson
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linkoping University
S-581 83 Linkoping,

Telephone: +46 13 282297
Telefax: +46 13 282666

System exhibition

Software systems may be demonstrated in parallel with the conferences;
no charge will be made for non-commercial software. Proposals for
demonstration should be mailed to the chairman of the local
arrangements committee. Each proposal should give a brief description
of the software explaining its relevance for the conferences (about
two pages). The hardware and software requirements for installing and
demonstrating the software should be specified on a separate page.
Postal and e-mail addresses should be clearly indicated.

Satellite meetings

Facilities will be provided for holding short specialized workshops
and other meetings (e.g. meetings of ESPRIT Basic Research Projects
and Working Groups) in conjunction with the conferences. Organizers
are invited to make arrangements with the chairman of the local
arrangements committee (deadline: 1 February, 1996).


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