Micro 28 Submission Deadline Approaching

mkfarrens@ucdavis.edu (Matthew Farrens)
Sat, 27 May 1995 03:31:56 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Micro 28 Submission Deadline Approaching mkfarrens@ucdavis.edu (1995-05-27)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: mkfarrens@ucdavis.edu (Matthew Farrens)
Keywords: conference, CFP, architecture
Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis
Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 03:31:56 GMT
Status: RO

This document, a postscript version of this document (both color and
bw), and other Conference information is available on the World Wide Web at
http://american.cs.ucdavis.edu/Micro28/homepage.html, and anonymous ftp from
american.cs.ucdavis.edu:/Micro28, or by sending e-mail to


                                                C A L L F O R P A P E R S

                                                              M I C R O - 2 8

                                                    THE 28th ANNUAL IEEE/ACM

                                                      INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM

                                                          ON MICROARCHITECTURE

                                                      with special emphasis on
                                        Instruction-Level Parallel Processing

                                                          Ann Arbor, Michigan
                                                November 29 - December 1, 1995

                                                                Sponsored by
                                                IEEE TC-MICRO and ACM SIGMICRO

                                                              Important Dates:
            SUBMISSION: JUNE 13; Acceptance: AUG. 15; Final version: SEP. 12

The Microarchitecture Symposia have become a premier forum in recent years,
combining high quality research in fields that include instruction level
parallelism, compilers and architectures. In the quest for increased perfor-
mance, industry and academia have been focusing more on ILP, and new tech-
niques are being developed to extract higher levels of parallelism with ILP
compilers and architectures. Instruction level parallelism has become an
intense area of research. The goals of this conference are to bring together
researchers in fields related to instruction level parallelism, to encourage
interaction, and to further the state of the art in microarchitectures and
fine grain parallel processing. Papers are solicited in fields including (but
not limited to) the following:

        Compiler techniques for instruction level parallelism
            (Software pipelining, global scheduling, register allocation,
            memory disambiguation, novel optimizations)
        Theoretical foundations of instruction level parallelism
        ILP architectures and designs (VLIW, superscalar, multiscalar, ...)
        Object code translation
        Branch prediction hardware and software
        Compiler and hardware techniques for improving memory system performance
        Application of ILP techniques to Design Automation
        Parallel algorithms for fine grain parallel architectures
        Multithreading systems (including data flow)
        Experience with fine grain parallel architectures

THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS JUNE 13, 1995. Please submit one electronic
copy of a paper (in postscript format) not longer than 5000 words to the PRO-
GRAM CHAIR at kemal@watson.ibm.com. The postscript file should be appended to
the Micro-28 paper submission form, which can be obtained by sending e-mail to
micro28@cs.ucdavis.edu or from the ftp/WWW site listed at the beginning of
this document. Notification of acceptance will occur by August 15, 1995. The
camera ready copy of the accepted papers will be due on September 12, 1995.
In order to minimize problems with your electronic submissions please ensure
your postscript submission can be previewed by ghostview. Contact the program
chair if you need any help with the electronic submission procedure.

        Trevor Mudge
        Department of EECS
        The University of Michigan
        1301 Beal Avenue
        Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122
        e-mail: tnm@eecs.umich.edu
        phone: (313) 764-0203
        FAX: (313) 763-4617

        Kemal Ebcioglu
        IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
        P.O. Box 704
        Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
        e-mail: kemal@watson.ibm.com
        phone: (914) 784-6188
        FAX: (914) 784-6306

        Matthew Farrens, UC Davis

        Richard Belgard, Consultant
        Jim Bondi, Texas Instruments
        Matthew Farrens, UC Davis
        Wen-mei Hwu, Illinois
        Gearold Johnson, Nat'l Technol. U.
        Hans Mulder, Intel Corp.
        Yale Patt, Michigan
        Andrew Wolfe, Princeton

        Vicki Allan, Utah State
        Richard Belgard, Consultant
        David Bernstein, IBM Haifa (Israel)
        Jim Bondi, Texas Instruments
        Bob Colwell, Intel Corp.
        Henk Corporaal, Delft U. (Netherlands)
        Jim Dehnert, Silicon Graphics
        Josh Fisher, HP Labs
        Mike Flynn, Stanford
        Guang Gao, McGill U. (Canada)
        Jean-Luc Gaudiot, USC
        Rajiv Gupta, Pittsburgh
        Stanley Habib, CUNY
        Martin Hopkins, IBM T.J. Watson
        Wen-mei Hwu, Illinois
        Monica Lam, Stanford
        Bill Mangione-Smith, UCLA
        Steve Melvin, Consultant
        Jaime Moreno, IBM T.J. Watson
        Alex Nicolau, UC Irvine
        Yale Patt, Michigan
        Bob Rau, HP Labs
        Vivek Sarkar, IBM Software Solutions
        John Shen, Carnegie-Mellon
        Gabriel Silberman, IBM T.J. Watson
        Jim Smith, Wisconsin
        Mike Smith, Harvard
        Mary Lou Soffa, Pittsburgh
        Andrew Wolfe, Princeton

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