a yacc grammar for palindromes?

ted@mayfield.hp.com (Ted Johnson)
Fri, 31 Mar 1995 07:03:14 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: ted@mayfield.hp.com (Ted Johnson)
Keywords: yacc, question
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Electronic Access Lab
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 07:03:14 GMT


      Q: is it possible to write a yacc grammar to recognize palindromes?


If I recall language theory class correctly, a ND-PDA (non-deterministic
pushdown automata) is more powerful than a D-PDA (a deterministic PDA).
In particular, a ND-PDA can handle the language of palindromes, whereas
a D-PDA can't.

But a D-PDA can *simulate* a ND-PDA by basically trying all the possible
combinations. This would take exponential time (i.e., each time we added
one token to the input, it would double the time it takes to parse the

I tried this with yacc, with a simple grammar for palindromes for the
input characters 0 and 1. yacc reported the warning:

                        conflicts: 6 shift/reduce

but it wasn't a fatal error. However, it refused to recognize any

                  hprcl171(ted) 668>cat test1
                  hprcl171(ted) 668>p < test1
                  S -> ONE
                  syntax error
                  hprcl171(ted) 669>

Q: is it impossible for a D-PDA to recognize palindromes, or did I
      just screw up my yacc grammar?

The complete program is very short, and is appended below with a
compile script.



--------cut here---------

# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by Ted Johnson <ted@hprcl171> on Thu Mar 30 22:47:29 1995
# This archive contains:
# makeit p.l p.y test1

LANG=""; export LANG
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH

echo x - makeit
cat >makeit <<'@EOF'
set -xv

CFLAGS="-g -Ae +e"

yacc -vd p.y
lex p.l
cc -c $CFLAGS lex.yy.c
cc -c $CFLAGS y.tab.c
cc -Aa -o p lex.yy.o y.tab.o -ll -ly

chmod 755 makeit

echo x - p.l
sed 's/^@//' >p.l <<'@EOF'
#include "y.tab.h"


[ \t] { ; /*ignore whitespace*/}
[0] { return(ZERO);printf("got a 0\n"); }
[1] { return(ONE);;printf("got a 1\n"); }

@. { fprintf(stderr, "Bad input char -->%c<-- on line %d\n",
                                            yytext[0], yylineno);}

chmod 644 p.l

echo x - p.y
cat >p.y <<'@EOF'

%token ZERO ONE


start : { printf("S -> nada\n"); }
          | ZERO { printf("S -> ZERO\n"); }
          | ONE { printf("S -> ONE\n"); }
          | ZERO start ZERO { printf("S -> ZERO S ZERO\n"); }
          | ONE start ONE { printf("S -> ONE S ONE\n"); }



chmod 644 p.y

echo x - test1
cat >test1 <<'@EOF'

chmod 644 test1

exit 0

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