C++ as implementation language in compiler design crse

Mon, 12 Dec 1994 18:49:25 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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C++ as implementation language in compiler design crse mary_thomas@pws.com (1994-12-12)
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Re: C++ as implementation language in compiler design crse jg2560@cesn6.cen.uiuc.edu (1994-12-17)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: mary_thomas@pws.com
Keywords: courses, OOP, C++, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 18:49:25 GMT

In September you folks gave me a great deal of assistance in finding out
what compilers were/are available for C++. I have a second question
regarding C++ which I would like to direct specifically to those readers
of comp.compilers who currently teach a compilers course at a 2 or 4 year
college, or university.

Do you anticipate that you will be using C++ as the implementation
language of choice in your compiler design course, in the 1996-1997
academic year? If not, why not?

Again, my question arises because I am working with an author on a
compiler design book, which is slated to be published in October 1996 for
the 1997 copyright year. Our concern at this point is that we will have
'missed the boat' if we keep C as the implementation language, which it
currently is.

Any help you folks can provide (in the form of an answer to the above
question) would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail responses to the
following address:

Thanks again. MT
Mary Thomas
Associate Developmental Editor
Engineering and Computer Science e-mail (internet) mary_thomas@pws.com
PWS Publishing Company voice: (617) 542-3377 extension 8482
20 Park Plaza fax: (617) 338-6134
Boston, MA 02116-4324

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