Re: Why is using single-precision slower than using double-precision (Dave Smentek)
Wed, 23 Nov 1994 22:23:06 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.parallel,comp.arch,comp.compilers
From: (Dave Smentek)
Status: RO
Followup-To: comp.parallel,comp.arch,comp.compilers
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Site
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
References: <3aqv5k$>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 1994 22:23:06 GMT

Zhiwei Xu ( wrote:
: Can any one explain why a C program using single precision (float) is slower
: that the same code using double precision (double)? Please try the following
: code for computing pi. I have tried it on IBM RS6000/250, IBM SP2, Sun4, and
: Sun SS20, and got the same strange timing.

... lots of stuff deleted....

The C language is defined to do all floating point operations in the highest
available precision of the machine (regardless of the original data
precision). An operation on 2 single precision operands, producing a
single precision result, gets compiled as:

2 floating point converts from single to double
a double precision FLOP
a floating point convert from double to single

Double precision computations don't have the 3 converts, so they execute in
fewer cycles.


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