RE: Polymorphism vs. Overloading

"John. M. Miano" <>
Mon, 31 Oct 1994 22:44:48 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Polymorphism vs. Overloading (1994-10-22)
RE: Polymorphism vs. Overloading (John. M. Miano) (1994-10-31)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: "John. M. Miano" <>
Keywords: polymorphism
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 94-10-144
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 22:44:48 GMT (Gabriela O. de Vivo) writes:
>Now, I wonder if some of you could help me by stating more precisely (and
>rigourosly) the exact nature of the difference.

I think the best way to explain the difference is that in overloading a
function is bound to a class/structure.

With polymorphism a function is bound to an object (An object being a
the manifestation of some class/structure).

Since polymorphism means bound to an object it is restricted to member
functions/methods. In Ada/C++ you can create overloaded functions but
polymorphism is not applicable to these.

Overloading is generally resolved at compile-time while polymorphism must be
resolved at run time.

Example Polymorphism vs. Overloading

class X
virtual void func (int x) {
cout << "I'm int in X " << x << endl << flush ; }
virtual void func (char *x} {
cout << "I'm char in X" << x << endl << flush ; }
} ;

class Y : public X
virtual void func (int x) {
cout << "I'm int in Y " << x << endl << flush ; }
virtual void func (char *x) {
cout << "I'm char in Y " << x << endl << flush ; }
} ;

main ()
X xo, *xp1, *xp2 ;
Y yo ;

xp1 = &xo ;
xp2 = &yo ;

// Overloading relates to whether func (char *) or func (int) is
// called. Polymorphism relates to whether X::func or Y::func is
// called (or a better way to say this is whether xo's func is
// called or yo's func is called).

xp1->func (1) ; // calls X::func (int)
xp1->func ("some text") ; // calls X::func (char *)

xp2->func (1) ; // calls Y::func (int) ;
xp2->func ("some text") // calls Y:: func (char) ;

return 0 ;

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