References for scanner table compression using "comp-vector" (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor])
Fri, 7 Oct 1994 09:01:33 GMT

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References for scanner table compression using "comp-vector" (1994-10-07)
Re: References for scanner table compression using "comp-vector" (1994-10-11)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor])
Keywords: lex, design
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 09:01:33 GMT

It seems to be a fairly widespread technique to compress scanner
tables using the comb-vector method described in the Dragon Book. Rex
and (I think) flex use it to merge the rows of the table into three
tables that are customarily called Base, Check, Next, and Default.
The state transition function is:

trans(state, symbol) := IF Check[Base[State] + Symbol] == state
THEN Next[Base[State] + Symbol]
ELSE trans(Default[state], symbol)

However, I haven't been able to find an algorithm to actually compute
these data structures. The Dragon Book is very vague. Grosch (in the
documentation for Rex) talks of a O(n^2 c) algorithm where n is the #
of states, c the cardinality of the input character set, but also
isn't specific. Dencker, Duerre, Heuft (in TOPLAS 6:4, 1984, 546-572)
also mention the technique but again don't specify an algorithm.

Can anyone tell me more or give me a reference describing an algorithm
for this? Any help would be much appreciated.

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