Line number problem with the Synthesizer Generator. (Klaas van de Berg)
Fri, 1 Jul 1994 15:13:18 GMT

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Line number problem with the Synthesizer Generator. (1994-07-01)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Klaas van de Berg)
Keywords: tools, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 15:13:18 GMT

I have encountered the following problem with line numbers
in a calculator (a simple version of my original problem).
Besides the value of an expression I want to obtain
the line number of each constant in the expression in the input.

(e.g. Reps & Teitelbaum, 1989, The Synthesizer Generator, Ch 6
  or: GrammaTech, 1993, The Synthesizer Generator Reference Manual,
                                                appendix A)

For example, I have a file with the following content:


This should result in the following output:

(7 (at lnr:1) + 8 (at lnr:4))
VALUE = 15

The output shows the expression and the line number in the input file
for each constant, and the value of the expression.

It is clear to me that I should get the numbers at parse time.
The function lines_read() seems appropriate.
However, I have not been successful until now.
The code of one of my unsuccessful attempts has been given below
(with the line numbers calculated after parsing the input file)

I will appreciate any suggestions in solving this problem.

Klaas van den Berg
University Twente
the Netherlands


#include "user_interface_exp.h"

FOREIGN LinesRead()
      return Int(lines_read());

INT foreign LinesRead();

/* abstract syntax */

root calc;
list calc;
calc : CalcNil()
          | CalcPair(exp calc)
exp : Null()
          | Sum(exp exp)
          | Const(INT)

/* attribute declarations */

exp {syn INT v;
            syn INT lnr;};

exp: Null { exp.v = 0;
                            exp.lnr = 0;}
      | Sum { exp$1.v = exp$2.v + exp$3.v;
                            exp$1.lnr = exp$2.lnr;}
      | Const { exp$1.v = INT;
                            exp$1.lnr = LinesRead();} /* wrong place */

/* unparsing declarations */

calc : CalcPair [ @ ::= @ "%nVALUE = "exp.v [";%n%n"] @ ];
exp : Null [ @ ::= "<exp>"]
            | Sum [ @ ::= "(" @ " + " @ ")"]
            | Const [ @ ::= ^ " (at lnr:" exp.lnr ")" ]

/* transformation declarations */

transform exp
      on "+" <exp>: Sum( <exp>,<exp>)

/* lexemes declarations */

INTEGER : Integer < [0-9]+ >;
WHITESPACE : Whitespace < [\ \t\n] >;
VALUE : Value < "VALUE" >;

/* parsing declarations */

Calc { syn calc abs; };
Exp { syn exp abs; };

Calc ::= (Exp) { Calc.abs = CalcPair(Exp.abs, CalcNil()); }
                | (Exp Calc) { Calc$1.abs = CalcPair(Exp.abs, Calc$2.abs); }

Exp ::= (INTEGER) { $$.abs = Const(STRtoINT(INTEGER));}
                | (Exp '+' Exp) { $$.abs = Sum(Exp$2.abs, Exp$3.abs);}

calc ~ Calc.abs;
exp ~ Exp.abs;


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