Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (Zhong Shao)
Fri, 25 Mar 1994 05:44:19 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-24)
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Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-24)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-25)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-25)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-25)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-25)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-26)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-26)
Re: Caller/Callee saved Registers (1994-03-26)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Zhong Shao)
Keywords: registers, ML, bibliography
Organization: Princeton University
References: 94-03-054
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 05:44:19 GMT

|> I'm having some difficulty grasping the key idea behind the division in
|> caller/calleesaved registers:

We have recently written some papers on how to make good use of
callee-save registers in compiling functional languages (e.g., ML), where
register saving across procedure call is a even more serious issue because
functional programs often make much larger number of function calls. These
papers are available for anonymous ftp at "" in the
"pub/ml/zsh/" directory:

    (a) "pub/ml/zsh/":

            "Space-Efficient Closure Representations" (to appear in LFP94)
            by Zhong Shao and Andrew W. Appel

    (b) "pub/ml/zsh/":
            [this one is written in 1991, and a bit out of date, but reading
              this will make reading the first one easier.]

            "Callee-save Registers in Continuation-Passing Style"
                                  (also in Lisp & Symbolic Computation 5(3), 1992)
            by Andrew W. Appel and Zhong Shao

Both contain references to other previous papers on "callee-save

Our main idea is to use compile-time variable lifetime information and
control flow information to guide the decision of choosing which variables
are callee-saved, and which variables are caller-saved. Our technique can
be easily applied to compilers for other languages, but I don't know
whether they will get same speedup as our compiler (the SML/NJ compiler)

Tail-recursions can be implemented more efficiently in callee-save
registers than on the stack. General recursions can also benefit from
callee-save registers, because good use of callee-save registers can make
each frame (activation record) smaller. For details, see examples in the
above paper "Space-Efficient Closure Representations".

-Zhong Shao

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