TR: Designing A Reusable Symbol Table Library (Pei-Chi Wu)
Fri, 7 Jan 1994 02:03:33 GMT

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TR: Designing A Reusable Symbol Table Library (1994-01-07)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Pei-Chi Wu)
Keywords: report, FTP
Organization: Dep. Computer Sci. & Info. Eng., Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan, R.O.C
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 02:03:33 GMT

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan, Republic of China

Technical Report available in ftp service:

ftp site: (
directory: /papers/tech-report/1993

Please contact Pei-Chi Wu ( for
any problem in retrieving report.


    Pei-Chi Wu

Technical Report CSIE-93-1010, November 1993 (Revision January 1994)
Title: Designing a Reusable Symbol Table Library
Authors: Pei-Chi Wu, Jin-Hue Lin, Feng-Jian Wang
Keywords: compiler construction, symbol processing, software
components, software reuse.
Symbol tables and their handling are well-known techniques in
symbol processing. The implementation of symbol tables for a language was
thought to be language-dependent. It was usually coupled with scope rules
of the language and cannot be reused for another language. In this paper,
we address our design rationale and present the design of a symbol table
library. A symbol processing task can be divided into two parts: one for
storing/retrieving symbols, and the other for semantics checking. The
former is language-independent and can be defined as reusable components.
The latter is language-dependent and can be defined as parametric types to
symbol table components or as specific semantics rules. We identify
general properties of name analysis problems: topology, overload,
navigation, etc. The resulting design of the library covers most usages in
symbol processing. Some examples are presented showing how the symbol
table library facilitates the implementations of different kinds of scope
Pei-Chi Wu (§d°ö°ò) e-mail:
Inst. of C.S.I.E., Nat'l Chiao-Tung Univ.
Taiwan, R.O.C.

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