Re: Bison++ for MSDOS HELP (Joachim Schrod)
Tue, 28 Sep 1993 16:01:10 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Bison++ for MSDOS HELP (1993-09-27)
Re: Bison++ for MSDOS HELP (1993-09-28)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Joachim Schrod)
Keywords: yacc, C++
Organization: TH Darmstadt, FG Systemprogrammierung
References: 93-09-127
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1993 16:01:10 GMT

> [What's flex++? Regular flex produces output acceptable to C++, but it
> doesn't do anything classist. -John]

flex++ is based on flex 2.3.7, it produces a C++ class. From the man

                    You now generate a C++ class if you are compiling with a C++
                    compiler. A generated header can be generated, and is made
                    from a skeleton-header. The code skeleton is also more
                    adaptable. It permit you to modify much things only by
                    changing the two skeletons.

                    In plain C, the flex++ is compatible with standard flex.

The author is Alain Coetmeur <>. I don't know of any
reference site, it's available from the C++ Archive at Darmstadt: []
directory pub/programming/languages/C++/tools
file flex++-3.0.2.tar.gz

A comment on the original question: I don't know about a MSDOS port.
But I would add a respective package to the archive if it would be
provided to me.

[THD C++ Archive, maintainer]

Joachim Schrod Email:
Computer Science Department
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

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