Brand-new, squeaky clean, damn good LANGUAGE.

sir@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (SIR P/L)
Thu, 23 Sep 1993 04:13:55 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Brand-new, squeaky clean, damn good LANGUAGE. sir@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (1993-09-23)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: sir@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (SIR P/L)
Summary: Request for ideas about my new Language.
Keywords: question, comment
Organization: University of New South Wales
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 04:13:55 GMT


After 10 years of considerable thought about the perfect language, and an
incomprehenably large number of pet-hates about most languages in use
today, I've finally bitten the bullet & started writing my new languages'

Because I spend most of my time cutting tight assembler (486) routines, it
will run with extreme speed, and produce miniscule executable files - at
least in comparison to the joke-languages I usually use on my PC.

I'm taking time out now, to investigate other peoples ideas. I have
battled with the concepts of how to make multi-threaded programming
simple, and how to make parallel computing easy to understand, and how to
get multi-user, blah balh etc etc etc... and for the time being I want to
begin with a robust reasonably comprehensivle language which compiles good
clean code to blow away whatever language you use now.

To this end, let me know what you think is most important. My language
(as yet un-named) is turning out rather REXX-like in appearence so far.
It has no data typing (unless enforced), and my #1 design goal is to:-
                                      REMOVE RESTRICTIONS
in the simplest possible way. eg: If you want to read a 3mb line of text
into a single variable, go ahead. I make use of whatever resources
available in the environment (RAM: conventional, extended, expanded,
virtual; HDD - maybe in future, invisible internal compression).

So - if you have a pet hate, and an idea for a fix to it, Let me know.

If you know a neat & elegant way to... whatever... send it in!

If you wish there was something that... tell me, and there will be.

If you have a new idea - some neato way of thinking about something,
a brilliant "object" like concept, in short, anything constructive,
I want to hear from you.

I am considering releasing the beta, including the compiler source, when I
get a good working version going.

Please address replies as ATTN: Chris Drake
[Please address replies directly to him; history suggests that most people
aren't interested in yet another language. -John]

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