Object file creation and linking...

dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu (Dave Nebinger)
Thu, 26 Aug 1993 23:57:20 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Object file creation and linking... dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu (1993-08-26)
Re: Object file creation and linking... TDARCOS@MCIMAIL.COM (Paul Robinson) (1993-08-29)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu (Dave Nebinger)
Followup-To: comp.compilers
Keywords: assembler, question
Organization: Biology Department, Bowling Green State University
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 23:57:20 GMT

    After attacking our campus libraries online search system,
I was depressed to find that there weren't any references to
the generation of object files and the subsequent linking

    Sure, there were a number of books which entailed the
generation of code, but they usually dealt with creating
assembler code or machine language.

    I am working on a custom compiler/linker system. The model
I have is working, but the object code is specific for the output
of that compiler. I am interested in opening the object file format
to enable the use of other language compilers, but I am unsure
at this point what those will be. Therefore, I can't set the
object code format into stone. This means that everything
will have to be modified if a new compiler must change the
object file format.

    What's a good and general format for an object file? Does
anyone know of any good references for the output of object
files and the subsequent linking process?


(Reply via email & I will post a follow up...)

Dave Nebinger dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu
Network Manager, Biology Dept. dnebing@opie.bgsu.edu
Bowling Green State University dnebing@bgsuopie (bitnet)
Bowling Green, OH 43403
[The whole question of object code and linkers is not
well treated in the books that I know. -John]


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