Conversion to LL(1) (BO/EBC/KX/ZGE Michael Bergman 682 4958)
Thu, 18 Feb 1993 16:07:38 GMT

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (BO/EBC/KX/ZGE Michael Bergman 682 4958)
Keywords: LL(1), parse, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 16:07:38 GMT

At the risk of being repetitive about this, I would *really* like someone
to to tell me (Jan..?) the algorithms for

a) Eliminating all epsilon productions from a CFG
b) Eliminating all cycles from a CFG

The left-recursion removal (and I suspect left-factoring as well, but this
is only a suspicion!) is only guaranteed to work if the grammar is
epsilon-free and cycle free.

I've read through a couple of old articles (Jan Schramp seems to have done
quite a lot of thinking in the area) and the subject interests me.

The left-factoring as described in the Dragon Book is IMO rather limited
as it only tries to get rid of "direct" FIRST overlap of the type:

A -> BC | BC | BC | ... | gamma
              1 2 3

where gamma represents all alternatives not beginning with B. However,
there may still be FIRST-set overlap even if we do not have this kind of
"direct" production. Substitutions may give such a production, but then
one might run into a loop as Jan Schramp pointed out in an article dated
May 18 1992.

His example was:
S -> Aa | Bb
A -> cA | eps
B -> cB | eps

To get the common leading c in the same production, we substitute for A
and B on S's right side and get

S -> cAa | cBb | a | b
A -> cA | eps
B -> cB | eps

After factoring S, we run into a the same situation again with A and B
both having c in their FIRST sets. Then Jan tries another approach and
first eliminates the epsilon productions:

S -> A | B
A -> cA | a
B -> cB | b

Then he wants to get the "direct" form of the common prefix situation:

S -> cA | a | cB | b
A -> cA | a
B -> cB | b

Factoring now gives:

S -> cD | a | b
D -> A | B

But D is equivalent to S, and we get S -> cS | a | b which is LL(1).

I'm wondering if the elimination of the epsilon productions was
significant. It would be nice if we knew the left-factoring was guranteed
to work (without getting into a loop) if all epsilon productions are first
eliminted. Comments?

On the other hand, this might not lead anywhere in practice since after
the left-recursion removal, the grammar may again contain epsilon
pruductions. These would then have to be removed using the algorithm I
was asking for, before we can apply the left-factoring. But the epsilon
elimination might very well re-introduce left-recursion.... :-(, I don't
know. On the other hand - maybe it does not!

I'm hoping someone out there is an expert on this.
Michael Bergman Email:
KX/ZGE Tfn: +46 8 6824958
Ericsson Business Networks
S-135 83 Tyreso, Sweden

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