Re: How many vector registers are useful? (Robert Hyatt)
Wed, 27 Jan 1993 01:57:12 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.sys.super,comp.arch,comp.compilers
From: (Robert Hyatt)
Organization: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1993 01:57:12 GMT
References: 93-01-174 93-01-195
Keywords: architecture, vector

In article 93-01-195 (J. Giles) writes:
>Vectors and scalars are not really all that different. Unless you have
>overlap between the vectors they really behave just like large scalars.

Good point. If you program in assembler on a Cray, you also use registers
to pre-fetch memory operands before you need 'em. In this regard, re-use
makes things even better, but even if you only do the equivalent of i++ in
C, you can win big if you don't run out of registers.... ie, load i n
clocks before it is needed, then s1 s1+1, then store it and don't use s1
for n clocks. the result is a three clock i++, as fast as it can be done
on a Cray. (n varies by cpu type.... and by memory type. can at least
span the interval 14 clocks to 24 clocks and even up to 50 clocks on some
Cray-2 processors I have used.)

Same holds true for vectors. You don't necessarily have to have high
reuse to win, just enough registers to keep data flowing (a) from memory
(b) to memory and (c) between functional units....
!Robert Hyatt Computer and Information Sciences !
! University of Alabama at Birmingham !

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