Re: How many vector registers are useful? (Peter Montgomery)
Tue, 26 Jan 1993 03:01:16 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.sys.super,comp.arch,comp.compilers
From: (Peter Montgomery)
Organization: Oregon State University Math Department
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 03:01:16 GMT
Keywords: architecture, question
References: 93-01-174 (Reinhard Kirchner) writes:
>On discussing various merrits of different vector machines we came about
>the issue of the register architectures. There are on one side the cray and
>convex with 8 vector registers a 64 or 128 words, and on the other side,
>The Fujitsu machines with their reconfigurable register file of 32 or
>64kb, which is 4k or 8k words, being grouped from 256 register a 16/32
>words to 8 registers a 512/1024 words.
>Now there is the question: is such a large register file useful at all ?

                I used an Alliant FX/80 while at UCLA. It had eight vector
registers each length 32, which could hold integer or floating point

                One time critical routine in my program was multiple precision
modular multiplication. The assembly language loop which multiplied one
vector of length <= 32 by another such vector had enough vector registers,
but there were insufficient vector registers for another loop which
multiplied two vectors of length <= 64. These loops also faced a shortage
of scalar integer registers (Motorola 68020 has 8 address and 8 data
registers), requiring me to use a floating point register for one loop
control variables. I guess that 16 or 32 vector registers will be
adequate for most applications.

>But how is this on vector machines ? The register creates a speedup only
>when it can hold an entire vector, which can be used again later. This
>requires a register long enough to do so. That means vectors of e.g. a
>length of 5000 can not be held anyway, every machine must load, process,
>and store it in pieces, and only a lot of memory bandwidth helps.

                It is important to strip mine and re-use vectors. Consider
evaluating a polynomial at 5000 points:

                do i = 1, 5000
                      pvalue = p(degree) ! Leading coefficient
                      do j = degree-1, 0, -1
                            pvalue = pvalue*x(i) + p(j) ! Horner's rule
                      end do
                      value(i) = pvalue
                end do

On a machine with vector length at most 64, the code can be

                do ibeg = 1, 5000, 64
                        iend = MIN(i + 63, 5000)
                        lng = iend - ibeg + 1
                        pvalue(1:lng) = p(degree)
                        do j = degree-1, 0, -1
                              pvalue(1:lng) = pvalue(1:lng)*x(ibeg:iend) + p(j)
                        end do
                        value(ibeg:iend) = pvalue(1:lng)
                end do

If pvalue(1:lng) and x(ibeg:iend) are assigned to vector registers across
the j loop, then the only memory reference in that loop is the load of
p(j). Loops like this (where I operate several times on one temporary
vector, here pvalue) occurred in many parts of my cose. Alas, the
compiler installed at UCLA did not perform these optimizations.
Peter L. Montgomery Internet:
Dept. of Mathematics, Oregon State Univ, Corvallis, OR 97331-4605 USA

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