PDB -- ANSI-C to PostScript compiler

arthur@turing.ac.uk (Arthur van Hoff)
Thu, 21 Jan 1993 12:52:14 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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PDB -- ANSI-C to PostScript compiler arthur@turing.ac.uk (1993-01-21)
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Newsgroups: comp.windows.news,comp.lang.postscript,comp.compilers
From: arthur@turing.ac.uk (Arthur van Hoff)
Organization: The Turing Institute Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1993 12:52:14 GMT
Keywords: interpreter, available

Hi PostScript Hackers,

PdB version 2.1 (ANSI-C to PostScript compiler) is now available via
anonymous ftp from:

turing.com ( in pub/pdb2.1-demo.tar.Z
ftp.uu.net ( in graphics/NeWS/pdb2.1-demo.tar.Z

There is no more need to write PostScript! Start using PdB right now! PdB
is an optimizing compiler to compile ANSI-C (like) code into Adobe
compatible PostScript. It includes executables, examples and many useful
header files. Note that it is not dependend on NeWS.

The release of version 2.1 includes:

- Binaries for Sun SPARC station and IBM RS6000.
- Include files for Abobe PostScript level I.
- Include files for NeWS upto version 3.1.
- Include files for TNT upto version 3.1.
- Support for CPS OpenWindows upto version 3.1.
- Support NeWS classing in a C++ manner.
- Plenty of examples of all the above functions.
- NeWS/OpenWindows test suite.
- PostScript reference manual.
- UNIX manual pages.

Below are some examples of PdB code together with the PostScript
produced by the compiler.

Have fun,

Arthur van Hoff

Code to draw a star shape in PdB

#include <graphics.h>

void starpath(int ang)
                int i;

                for (i = 1 ; i <= (int)(360 / ang) ; i++) {
                                rotate(180 + ang);

Verbatim Compiler output

/starpath {
    % int --
    newpath 100 100 moveto 1 360 2 index div cvi exch sub 1 add 0 max {
        dup 180 add rotate 100 0 rlineto
    } repeat
    pop 0 setgray stroke
} def

Code for bubble-sort in PdB

#include <postscript.h>

  * Bubble sort (page 66)
  * From: Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
  * Nicklaus Wirth

void bubblesort(int *a)
                int i, j;

                for (i = length(a)-1 ; i > 1 ; i--)
                                for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++)
                                                if (a[j] > a[j+1]) {
                                                                int x = a[j+1];
                                                                a[j+1] = a[j];
                                                                a[j] = x;

Verbatim Compiler output

/bubblesort {
    % int * --
    dup length 1 sub -1 2 {
        0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub {
            2 copy get 2 index 2 index 1 add get gt {
                2 copy 1 add get 2 index 2 index 1 add 4 index 4 index get put
                2 index 3 1 roll put
            } {pop} ifelse
        } for
    } for
} def

Arthur van Hoff
The Turing Institute Limited
36 North Hanover Street,
G1 2AD Glasgow, Scotland

Tel: +44 41 552 8858 or +44 41 552 6400 Fax: +44 41 552 2985
Email: arthur@turing.com

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