Aliasing analysis

Andrew Phillip Waters <>
Thu, 26 Nov 1992 16:56:48 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Aliasing analysis (Andrew Phillip Waters) (1992-11-11)
Aliasing analysis (Andrew Phillip Waters) (1992-11-26)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: Andrew Phillip Waters <>
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1992 16:56:48 GMT
Keywords: alias, optimize, bibliography

I must apologise for the length of time the summary has taken to appear.
Our site has had problems with mail --- or rather the lack of it. Mail
has simply been vanishing down a black hole.

Many thanks to all those who mailed me (order of arrival):
                Steve Masticola, Jyh-Herng Chow, Tom Knight, Pierre DAVID, Brian
Bliss, Alain Deutsch and Joseph Edward Hummel.

Best wishes,


    AUTHOR = {David P.},
    MONTH = {June},
    NUMBER = {92.39},
    TITLE = {Semantic Analysis of Straight-Line C Code with Pointers},
    YEAR = {1992}

    AUTHOR = {David P.},
    BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Processing: CONPAR'92 - VAPP V / LNCS 634},
    EDITOR = {L. Boug\'e and M. Cosnard and Y. Robert and D. Trystram},
    MONTH = {September},
    PAGES = {pp 647--652},
    PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
    TITLE = {Semantic Analysis for Parallelizing C},
    YEAR = {1992}

    author = "Deutsch,A.",
    title = "A Storeless Model of Aliasing and its Abstractions using Finite
                              Representations of Right-Regular Equivalence Relations",
    pages = "2--13",
    booktitle = "Proc. of the IEEE 1992 International Conf. on Computer
    year = 1992,
    address = "Oakland",
    month = apr,
    publisher = "IEEE Press"

    author = "Deutsch,A.",
    title = "Operational Models of Programming Languages and Representations
     of Relations on Regular Languages with Application to the Static
                          Determination of Dynamic Aliasing Properties of Data",
    school = "LIX, Ecole Polytechnique",
    year = 1992,
    note = "256 p.",
    address = "F-91128, Palaiseau Cedex, France"

    Author = "Williams L. Harrison and Zahira Ammarguellat",
    BookTitle = "5th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel
    Title = "{A Program's Eye View of Miprac}",
    Pages = "339-353",
    Note = "Yale Report YALEU/DCS/RR-915",
    Year = 1992

Hummel, et al, in sigplan pldi '92, discusses how programmer
          can annotate type decls to help in ptr analysis.

    author = "Landi, W. and Ryder, B. G.",
    title = "A Safe Approximation Algorithm for Interprocedural Pointer
    month = jun,
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '92 Conference on Programming
                              Language Design and Implementation"
    pages = "235-248",
    year = "1992")


    AUTHOR = {David P.},
    MONTH = {Septembre},
    NOTE = {Rapport MASI 91.60},
    TITLE = {Analyse s\'emantique de programmes en langage~C en vue de leur par
    YEAR = {1991}

    author = "Landi, W. and Ryder, B. G.",
    title = "Pointer-induced Aliasing: A Problem Classification",
    booktitle = "Conference Record of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on
                              Principles of Programming Languages",
    month = jan,
    pages = "93-103",
    year = "1991")

    author = "Landi, W. and Ryder, B. G.",
    title = "A Safe Approximate Algorithm for Interprocedural Pointer
    institution = "Rutgers University",
    type = "Laboratory for Computer Science Research Technical Report",
    number = "LCSR-TR-168",
    note = "fuller version of SIGPLAN'92 paper",
    month = sep,
    year = "1991")

    author = "Landi, W.",
    title = "Interprocedural Aliasing through Pointers",
    school = "Rutgers University",
    key = "landi",
    month = dec,
    year = "1991")


    AUTHOR = {Bodin F.},
    BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers,
    MONTH = {D\'ecembre},
    TITLE = {Data Structure Analysis in C Programs},
    YEAR = {1990}

    AUTHOR = {Chase D. and Wegman M. and Zadeck K.},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the SIGPLAN'90 Conference on Programming
     Language Design and Implementation},
    MONTH = {June},
    PAGES = {pp 296--310},
    TITLE = {Analysis of Pointers and Structures},
    YEAR = {1990}

    author = "Deutsch,A.",
    title = "On determining lifetime and aliasing of dynamically
                                    allocated data in higher-order functional specifications",
    pages = "157--168",
    booktitle = "Seventeenth Annual ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming
    year = 1990,
    organization = "ACM Press",
    address = "San Francisco",
    month = jan

    author = "Landi, W. and Ryder, B. G.",
    title = "Aliasing with and without Pointers: A Problem Taxonomy",
    institution = "Rutgers University",
    type = "Center for Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity
                                  Technical Report",
    pages = "1-55",
    number = "CAIP-TR-125",
    note = "a fuller version of the POPL'91 paper",
    month = sep,
    year = "1990")

Pre 1990:

    AUTHOR = {Cooper K. and Kennedy K.},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Principles of Programming
                              Languages (POPL)},
    PAGES = {pp 29--41},
    TITLE = {Fast Interprocedural Alias Analysis},
    YEAR = {1989}

    AUTHOR = {Horwitz S. and Pfeiffer P. and Reps T.},
    BOOKTITLE = {SIGPLAN'89 Conference on Programming Language Design and
                              Languages (POPL)},
    PAGES = {pp 29--41},
    TITLE = {Fast Interprocedural Alias Analysis},
    YEAR = {1989}

    AUTHOR = {Horwitz S. and Pfeiffer P. and Reps T.},
    BOOKTITLE = {SIGPLAN'89 Conference on Programming Language Design and
    PAGES = {pp 28--40},
    TITLE = {Dependence Analysis for Pointer Variables},
    YEAR = {1989}

    AUTHOR = {Guarna V.},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Parallel
    PAGES = {pp 212--220},
    TITLE = {A Technique for Analysing Pointer and Structure References in
                              Parallel Restructuring Compilers},
    YEAR = {1988}

    author = "Vincent Guarna, Jr.",
    title = "{A Technique for Analyzing Pointer and Structure References in
                          Parallel Restructuring Compilers}",
    journal = "Proceedings of 1988 Int'l. Conference on Parallel Processing,
                          St. Charles, IL",
    year = "August 1988",
    pages = "212--0"}

    author = "Vincent A. Guarna, Jr.",
    title = "{Analysis of C Programs for Parallelization in the Presence of
    school = "Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for Supercomputing
                        Res. \& Dev.",
    year = "December 1987"}

Murray Katz in his S.M. thesis at MIT ca. 1987

"An Architecture for Mostly Functional Languages" Tom Knight, ACM
Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, 1986.

    AUTHOR = {Weihl E.},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming
                              Languages (POPL)},
    PAGES = {pp 83--94},
    TITLE = {Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Pointers,
                              Procedure Variables and Label Variables},
    YEAR = {1980}
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