Re: Two Level Grammars (Martin Neitzel)
Thu, 19 Nov 1992 10:21:54 GMT

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Two Level Grammars (Lee Leitner) (1992-11-09)
Re: Two Level Grammars (1992-11-11)
Re: Two Level Grammars (1992-11-11)
Re: Two Level Grammars (1992-11-12)
Two Level Grammars (Trevor Jenkins) (1992-11-12)
Re: Two Level Grammars (1992-11-13)
Re: Two Level Grammars (1992-11-19)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Martin Neitzel)
Organization: Inst. f. Informatik, TU Braunschweig, FRG
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1992 10:21:54 GMT
References: 92-11-037
Keywords: parse, bibliography

> I am looking for some reference sources for "two level Grammars" and "Van
> Wijngaarden form" grammars. [...] Can anyone point me to other
> references which describe these grammars?

I guess it's the third time I'm recommending the following book about
vW grammars in comp.compilers in the past 5 years:

Cleaveland, J. C. and Uzgalis, R. C.:
"Grammars for Programming Languages"
Elsevier North-Holland, New York
ISBN 0-444-00187-5

I've appended some more related references below. (I hope you don't
mind the German annotations (and their incorrect capitalisations.)

Martin Neitzel

    author = "Wijngaarden, A. Van and Mailloux, B. J. and Peck, J. E. L.
                              and Koster, C. H. A.",
    title = "Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68",
    publisher = "Springer",
    address = "Berlin",
    year = 1969,
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Programmiersprache, Report, Sprachbeschreibung,
                              Syntax von Algol 68",
    annote = "Algol 68 Report",

    author = "Lindsey, C. H. and Meulen, S. G. Van der",
    title = "Informal Introduction to Algol 68",
    publisher = "North-holland",
    address = "Amsterdam",
    year = 1971,
    isbn = "07204-20482",
    descriptor = "Algol 68",
    annote = "Auf der Grundlage Des Algol 68-reports Wird eine
                              Informelle Beschreibung der Sprache Gegeben. Dieses Buch
                              Duerfte Als Bester Einstieg in die Sprache fuer einen
                              Nicht Vorbelasteten Interessenten Gelten",

    author = "Peck, J. E. L.",
    title = "An Algol 68 Companion",
    address = "Vancouver",
    year = 1972,
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Programmiersprache",

    author = "Stiller, Gerd",
    title = "Algol 68. Begriffe und Ausdrucksmittel",
    publisher = "R. Oldenbourg",
    address = "Muenchen",
    year = 1976,
    isbn = "3-486-34761-6",
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Programmiersprache",

    editor = "Peck, J. E. L.",
    title = "Algol 68 Implementation",
    address = "Amsterdam",
    year = 1971,
    isbn = "0-7204-2045-8",
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Programmiersprache",
    annote = "Proceedings of the Ifip Working Conference on Algol 68
                              Implementation, July 1970. Seventeen of the Papers
                              Presented at the Conference Are Contained in This Book.
                              Various Aspects of Implementation Were Discussed and the
                              Papers Ranged in Scope From An Examination of Detailed
                              Pacets of Compiler Costruction to the More General
                              Questions Concerning Implementation Methods, Language
                              Design Or Sublanguage Specification.",

    author = "Wijngaarden, A. Van and Mailloux, B. J. and Peck, J. E. L.
                              and Koster, C. H. A. and Sintzoff, M. and Lindsey, C. H.
                              and Meertens, L. G. L. T. and Fisker, R. G.",
    title = "Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68",
    publisher = "Department of Computing Science of the University of
    address = "Edmonton",
    year = 1974,
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Compilerbau, Grammatik, Programmiersprache,
                              Syntax, Uebersetzerbau, Wijngaarden-grammatik",

    editor = "Universitaet Dortmund",
    title = "Tagung ueber Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen vom
                              27.3-29.3.1974, Dortmund",
    address = "Dortmund",
    year = 1974,
    descriptor = "Ableitungssprache, Automatentheorie, Flussdiagramm,
                              Formale Sprache, Grammatik, Komplexitaet, Kontextsensitiv,
                              Lba Problem, Lernender Automat, Lindenmayer-system, Lisp,
                              Sprache, Stochastische Sprache",
    annote = "Ableitungssprachen Crossing-bounded Automata and Their
                              Relation to the Lba Problem Lernende F-s Automaten Data
                              Aggregations in Algorithms Bemerkungen ueber Van
                              Wijngaarden Grammatiken Anwendungen der Kategoriellen
                              Theorie von Automaten ueber Rationale Stochastische
                              Sprachen: Ihre Darstellung, Ihre Beziehung Zu den Klassen
                              R, Rquer von Schnetzenberger und Ihre Lage in der
                              Chomskyhierarchie Automatentheorie und Dynamische Systeme
                              ueber Flussdiagramme mit Beschraenkter Schleifenstruktur
                              Akzeptoren und Ihre Monoide on the Most Recent Property of
                              Algol-like Programs ueber Cons-freies Programmieren in
                              Lisp ueber Baumautomaten mit Kellerspeicher Tensor
                              Calculus in Semimodule Categories Applied to Automata and
                              Networks Chomsky-klassifikation von Diagramm-sprachen mit
                              Regulaeren Grundbegriffen Definierbare Praedikate
                              Boole'sche Minimalpolynome und Ueberdeckungsprobleme Left
                              Context-sensitive Grammars Some Methods For Bounding the
                              Combinatorial Complexity of Functions Characterization of
                              Growth in Deterministic Lindenmayer Systems Realisierungen
                              von Systemen Parameterisierungen Allgemeiner Zeitsysteme
                              on Locally Regular Languages Programmschemata mit
                              Zaehlern, die Nicht Helfen",

    author = "Hesse, W.",
    title = "A Correspondence Between W-grammars and Formal Systems of
                              Logic and Its Application to Formal Language Description",
    address = "Muenchen",
    year = 1977,
    descriptor = "G-system, Grammatik, Pw-grammatik, W-grammatik",
    annote = "Es Werden Zusammenhaenge Zwischen Wijngaarden
                              Grammatiken,praedikative Wijngaarden Grammatiken und
                              Formallogischen Systemen Gezeigt.",

    author = "Feldmann, Harry",
    title = "Einfuehrung in Algol 68",
    publisher = "Vieweg",
    edition = 1,
    address = "Braunschweig",
    year = 1978,
    isbn = "3-528-03329-0",
    descriptor = "Algol 68, Grammatik, Programm, Programmiersprache,
                              Zweischichtige Grammatik",
    annote = "Vorlesungsskriptum ueber Algol 68 mit Vielen Beispielen
                              und Angabe der Zweistufigen Syntax",

    author = "Uden, Hermann",
    title = "Darstellung Verschiedener Ansaetze Zur Formalen
                              Beschreibung Kontextabhaengiger Eigenschaften in
                              Programmiersprachen und Deren Automatische Analyse",
    address = "Braunschweig",
    year = 1975,
    descriptor = "Affix-grammatik, Attribut-grammatik, Compiler, Semantische
                              Analyse, Van Wijngaarden-grammatik",
    annote = "Gegenueberstellung der von Wijngaarden-grammatik,der
                              Attribut-grammatik (knuth) und der Affix-grammatik
                              (koster) und der Resultierenden Erkennungsalgorithmen.",

    author = "Hesse, W.",
    title = "Two-level Graph Grammars",
    address = "Muenchen",
    year = 1978,
    descriptor = "Formale Sprachdefinition, Graphgrammatik, Lisp,
                              Zweischichtige Grammatik, Zweischichtige Graph-grammatik",
    annote = "Two-level Graph Grammar (2ggs) Verbinden Graph-grammatiken
                              (in der Form,wie Sie Pratt Definierte) und Zweischichtige
                              Grammatiken (wie Sie im Algol 68-report Verwendet
                              Werden).in der Vorliegenden Arbeit Werden 2ggs Definiert
                              und Ihre Beziehungen Zu Anmderen Grammatiktypen
                              (insbesondere Varianten von 2ggs) Betrachtet.die
                              Anwendbarkeit von 2ggs Zur Formalen Beschreibung von
                              Programmiersprachen Wird Am Beispiel der Sprache Lisp

    editor = "Iria",
    title = "Le Point Sur La Compilation",
    address = "Le Chesnay",
    year = 1978,
    isbn = "2-7261-0185-2",
    descriptor = "Codeerzeugung, Compiler, Fehlererkennung,
                              Programmiersprache, Syntaxanalyse",
    annote = "Tagungsband Eines Compiler-kurses im Januar 1978 in
                              Toulouse.die Beitraege Sind (trotz Des Titels) in
                              Englisch.beitraege Von:u. Ammann, D. Bjoerner, C. Jones,
                              K. Kennedy, O. Lecarme, B. Lorho, K. Ripleen, A. V.
                              Wijngaarden, J. Voiron, R. Wilhelm.",

    author = "Janssen, T. M. V.",
    title = "on Problems Concerning the Quantification Rules in
                              Montague Grammars",
    address = "Amsterdam",
    year = 1979,
    descriptor = "Montague Grammatik, Van Wijngaarden-grammatik",
    annote = "Bericht Nr. Zw 124/79 Variable Wie He1,he2,... Geben
                              Anlass Zu Problemen Folgender Art in Montague-grammatiken:
                              -dort Wo Sie Erwuenscht Sind,koennen Sie Fehlen und -dort
                              Wo Sie Unerwuenschtsind,koennen Sie Auftreten.dieser
                              Bericht Liefert Verschiedene Vorschlaege,diesen Problemen
                              Zu Begegnen.",

    author = "Mcgettrick, A. D.",
    title = "the Definition of Programming Languages",
    publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
    edition = 1,
    address = "Cambridge",
    year = 1980,
    isbn = "0521-29585-8",
    descriptor = "Algol, Algol 68, Attributierte Grammatik, Axiomatisch,
                              Cobol, Denotational Semantics, Fortran, Lisp, Pascal,
                              Pl/i, Semantik, Syntax, Vienna Definition Language,
                              Zweischichtige Grammatik",
    annote = "Es Werden Verschiedene Moeglichkeiten Betrachtet, die
                              Syntax und Semantik von Programmiersprachen Zu Definieren.
                              Verschiedene Existierende Sprachen Werden Als Beispiele

    author = "Friede, D.",
    title = "on Partitioned Van Wijngaarden Grammars",
    address = "Muenchen",
    year = 1982,
    descriptor = "Van Wijngaarden-grammatik, Zweischichtige Grammatik",
    annote = "An Attempt Is Made to Specify Direct Properties of
                              Wijngaarden-grammars Allowing to Parse
                              Wijngaarden-grammars Directlyin One Pass.",

    editor = "Aguilar, R.",
    title = "Formal Languages and Programming",
    address = "Amsterdam",
    year = 1976,
    isbn = "0-7204-0436-3",
    descriptor = "Dialogprogramm, Dialogsprache, Formale Sprache,
                              Mathematische Linguistik, Methoden der Sprachdefinition,
                              Programmiersprache, Programmiertheorie, Programmierung,
                              Spracheigenschaft, Sprachklassifikation",
    annote = "Tagungsband Eines Seminars im April 1975 in Madrid ueber
                              Formale Sprachen, Interaktive Programmierung und Theorie
                              der Programmierung Beitraege von Indermark, Van
                              Wijngaarden, Pair, Melkanoff, Kupka, Falkoff,
                              Schuetzenberger, Nivat, Ginsburg, Salomaa",

    author = "Ammeraal, L.",
    title = "A W-grammar For the Semantics of Integer Expressions",
    address = "Amsterdam",
    year = 1976,
    descriptor = "Grammatik, Semantik, Van Wijngaarden-grammatik,
    annote = "Bericht Nr. Iw 66/76 Abstract: For Parenthesised Integer
                              Expressions With Operators + and * A W-grammar Is
                              Presented Which Not Only Defines Their Syntactic Structure
                              But Also Prescribes Their (semantic) Value.",

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