Re: Why some PC C compilers are useless (Simon J Gerraty)
Wed, 13 May 1992 04:48:27 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Simon J Gerraty)
Followup-To: comp.lang.c
Keywords: C, MSDOS
Organization: Bull HN Information Systems Australia
References: 92-05-067
Date: Wed, 13 May 1992 04:48:27 GMT

In 92-05-067 (Dave Kirsch) writes:
>>[I run DOS under Unix here and can second the complaints about programs that
>>freak out when they encounter newlines without carriage returns. I can have
>>some sympathy for dusty old programs, but not much for current supported ones
>>when they do this. -John]

>One problem of this is the standard i/o routines provided in the C
>libraries by most (if not all) DOS compilers don't handle lines without
>carriage returns. Sure, you could use read() and write() and write your
>own 'read a line from the file' function that understands cr/lf and just
>lf, but you shouldn't have to. The stdio functions take care of that for

No. All you need to do is: (... means insert your own code here :-)

    if ((fh = fopen(name, "rb")) != NULL)
        int c;

        while ((c = getc(fh)) != EOF)
              switch (c)
              case '\r':
                  if ((c = getc(fh)) == '\n')
return EOL;
ungetc(c, fh);
return CR;
              case '\n':
                  return EOL;

Of course that code won't do anything useful. But the point is that the
compiler should simply read the file in DOS's binary mode, and ignore a CR
(esp. if followed by a LF). The details are left up to the implementor.

You could use lex, but my experience is that hand written lexical
analyzers are smaller and faster which are both important for a DOS C

Simon J. Gerraty <> (Work)
<> (Home)
[I've sent followups to comp.lang.c, since this is no longer a general
compilers topic. -John]

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