Re: First-class data types (Ken Dickey)
Thu, 5 Mar 1992 22:33:23 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Ken Dickey)
Keywords: types
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 92-02-085 92-03-024
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1992 22:33:23 GMT

lotus! (Bill Torcaso) writes:
> There is a nit to pick with the definition of 'first class datatype'
>that asserts any operation can be applied to any object of any first class
>datatype. Consider a language in which functions are first-class:

> What is the XOR of two functions? What is the AND of two functions?

> What is the function-invocation of the integer constant 17? Of the
> floating-point constant 0.5?

These operations are well defined--they all generate errors.

Most people mean 1st class data types have the same language *rights*.

    Does it need to have a name?

    Can it be created and returned from within a function, passed as a
    parameter, stored in a data structure?

More generally, do all data objects satisfy basic design principles
using the same rules? [E.g. see R. Tennent: _Principles of
Programming Langauages_, Prentice Hall, 1981, ISBN 0-13-709873-1
    - Principle of Abstraction
    - Principle of Correspondence
    - Principle of Qualification

For example, in the C language function *pointers* are first class,
but functions are not--you cannot create an unnamed function.

-Ken Dickey

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