wanted: C++ to C translator

lhhuang@jeeves.waterloo.edu (Larry Huang)
Wed, 4 Mar 1992 21:04:10 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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wanted: C++ to C translator lhhuang@jeeves.waterloo.edu (1992-03-04)
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From: lhhuang@jeeves.waterloo.edu (Larry Huang)
Keywords: C++, C, translator, question
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1992 21:04:10 GMT

Basically I am looking for source of a free/PD C++ to C translator,
preferrably one that I can get through FTP.

Please e-mail replies. Thanks.
[G++ is a free C++ compiler but it goes direct to assembler. The only C
to C++ translator I know of is AT&T's commercial cfront. Are there others?

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