CFP Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Env's for DMMs

"Robert P. Weaver" <>
Thu, 30 Jan 1992 15:24:48 -0700

          From comp.compilers

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CFP Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Env's for DMMs (Robert P. Weaver) (1992-01-30)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: "Robert P. Weaver" <>
Keywords: CFP, parallel
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1992 15:24:48 -0700

The second Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Environments for
Distributed Memory Multiprocessors will be held in Boulder, Colorado on
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 1992. The first workshop was held at ICASE in Hampton,
VA in May 1990, and was judged to be very successful by the participants.
The second workshop will address similar topics to the first, including :
machine independent parallel programming; support for regular and
irregular data parallel computations as well as for coarse grain parallel
computations; compiler and run time communications optimizations; compiler
optimizations to expose parallelism; and experience with applying parallel
programming languages and techniques to applications.

The format of the workshop will include 30-minute research presentations,
with ample time for discussion, and group sessions that discuss the
challenges and future directions for research in this area. Attendance
and presentation of papers is open to all interested parties, although it
may be necessary to limit attendance to retain the workshop atmosphere.
Anyone interested in presenting a paper at the workshop should submit a 3
page extended abstract by May 8, 1992 to
            Carolyn Mich
            Department of Computer Science
            Campus Box 430
            University of Colorado at Boulder
            Boulder, CO 80309-0430
Electronic submissions also are welcome and should be sent to in LaTex, troff, or postscript form. Submissions
will be reviewed by the organizing committee consisting of Ken Kennedy
(Rice), Chuck Koelbel (Rice), Piyush Mehrotra (ICASE), Joel Saltz (ICASE),
Bobby Schnabel (Colorado) and Bob Weaver (Colorado). Authors will be
informed about the status of their papers by June 20, 1992. Workshop
proceedings will be published; final papers will be at the workshop.

Anyone interested in attending the workshop, whether presenting a paper or
not, is asked to complete the form below and send it to In case it is necessary to limit attendance,
preference will be given to those responding by May 8, 1992. Registration
materials for the workshop will be available in early July 1992.


                          PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION FORM

    Second Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Environments
                      for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors

                        Boulder, Colorado, Sept 30 - Oct 2, 1992

NAME ________________________________________________________

ORGANIZATION ________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________

Do you plan to submit a paper to the workshop? Yes ___ No ___

Please describe briefly (2-4 sentences should suffice in most cases)
    why you are interested in attending the workshop and how you would
    expect to contribute to it. This information may be used if it is
    necessary to limit attendance to the workshop.

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