"Optimizing assembler" for the RS/6000?

Peter Ludemann <ludemann@quintus.com>
Thu, 30 Jan 92 09:05:50 PST

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"Optimizing assembler" for the RS/6000? ludemann@quintus.com (Peter Ludemann) (1992-01-30)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: Peter Ludemann <ludemann@quintus.com>
Keywords: assembler
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 92 09:05:50 PST

Is there an "optimizing assembler" for the RS/6000? I'm looking for
something which will rearrange instructions to take advantage of the
RS/6000's pipeline.

If no such beast exists, it's an amusing little exercise, so I'll probably
spend a few days writing one that suits my purposes. I'm wondering if
other people would be interested in it ... it could be used as the last
pass of a compiler.

- peter ludemann +1-415-813-3800 ludemann@quintus.com

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