Articles will be printed in the 1991 annual

John R. Levine <>
Sat, 25 Jan 92 16:06:17 EST

          From comp.compilers

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Articles will be printed in the 1991 annual (John R. Levine) (1992-01-25)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: John R. Levine <>
Keywords: books, administrivia
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 92 16:06:17 EST

I am in the process of putting together the 1991 comp.compilers annual.
Like the 1990 annual, it will contain most of the year's messages, leaving
out only the ones that do not seem to be of long term interest.

I am talking to a real publisher this year about producing the book, since
that would allow a better quality book (last year's was photocopied from
laser printer output) and wider distribution while keeping about the same
per-copy price. If the publisher turns out not to be interested, I'll do
this year's the same way I did last year's. Either way, the price will be
higher than last year since there were considerably more articles.

If you sent in any articles that appeared during 1991 and for some reason
would prefer not to have them appear in the annual, please let me know.

John Levine, comp.compilers moderator or {spdcc|ima|world}!iecc!johnl


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