Parsing tools (Eric Dujardin)
24 Jan 92 15:09:48 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Parsing tools (1992-01-24)
RE: Parsing tools (1992-01-27)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Eric Dujardin)
Keywords: parse, design
Organization: INRIA * Rocquencourt BP 105 * F-78153 LE CHESNAY CEDEX* France
Date: 24 Jan 92 15:09:48 GMT

In article 92-01-066, Stephen J Bevan writes:
|> Also, I don't consider "yacc" to be the last word in syntax analysis.
|> Like C it's old and past it's prime. There are better tools freely
|> available (e.g. GMD toolbox), if only people would use them.

Could you (or some other kind soul) post a list of such tools, and where
they can be found (e.g., ftp addresses ...). I mean, tools that I could
really use : few bugs (I know that even the old yacc has bugs), good
documentation, portability. What are the advantages of these tools w.r.t.
yacc ?

thanks in advance,

  Eric Dujardin -
  INRIA Rocquencourt, projet Sabre

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